omg, as a Jewish girl whose grandparents lived in a retirement community in Florida, I could not have loved that episode more. When they both got out of the car and their hair poofed into a ball of frizz? I died.
omg, as a Jewish girl whose grandparents lived in a retirement community in Florida, I could not have loved that episode more. When they both got out of the car and their hair poofed into a ball of frizz? I died.
I’ll play devil’s advocate and say that in the former case, it was a split second decision based on fear (Its a BS excuse, of course). In the second case, after someone committed a horrific crime, they wanted to bring him in alive for justice (you know, get a trial and to suffer in jail for the rest of their lives).…
When did cops all becomes so skittish and chicken? Or maybe I’m just too used to watching tv cops act brave.
I don’t find him especially hot, but he seems like a funny, great guy and that makes him attractive.
Bullshit. It OFTEN is about looks. Two women. One super hot. The other homely as hell. Send them into a bar, and the first women will come out with awful stories. The second will have drank alone. That’s a FACT. It doesn’t mean hot women deserve to be harassed or “ask for it,” but for the everyday asshole,…
Jeez. What an F-d up reading into her language. She made an honest point. It didn’t happen to her. Her best guess was that she wasn’t conventionally pretty. You come up with a better reason?
I totally disagree. It doesn’t always have to do with attractiveness, but yes pretty girls get harassed WAY more than ugly girls. FACT! It’s disgusting that you keep arguing the truth, just so you can say.....blah, blah, blah it’s about power, not looks, it happens to all women, ALL.THE.TIME. It doesn’t. Ask a women…
You mean, OMG, you got hit on you were SO ugly wearing—-OMG, sweatpants and no make-up? I mean, clearly it’s not about attractiveness. I mean, who would think a woman without make-up is hot? THAT’S WHAT YOU SOUND LIKE saying it’s not about attractiveness. It’s a VBA—you’re so hot you got hit on “looking like crap.”
I never really had any Metoo moments either. Seriously. I don’t get catcalled. Or hit on. Men mostly see right through me. This has always bothered me, actually. Its not that I want to get hit on by pigs—and it’s not that I think there isn’t a power dynamic at play. But generally speaking, the the women with the worst…
20 years ago, my stepdad was teaching a psychology class in the Midwest. One of his students came up and rubbed his head—he had heard all Jews had horns.
Are you kidding? It’s not called a Jew-Fro nothing. My 9yo daughter’s hair is insanely curly—at least a 3B or 3C. Has had 2 haircuts in her entire life, and with the spring it’s bob length. I have slightly wavy hair and everyone asks where she got her curls, and my answer is alway, eh, we’re Jewish.
I don’t think me hate women. I do think they are dismissive, and suffer a lack of empathy.
There should be a representative on set whose sole job is to advocate for the actors. Someone to cut stuff off if it’s going too far. And who has a car.
Why would there be a backlash from the religious right re: porn?
How is this even possible?
What’s that what pledges had to say at Yale? Not quite kids.
I think you’re dating the wrong kind of men. I do believe you, 100%, but most of the men I know wouldn’t dare try that kind of shit with anyone.
Most likely not reading Jezebel, but I’m sure my husband would be gross out by this.
How old WAS she when she had her son? She looks like she’s 25 yo.
Well, of course not—they’re on team Trump. They’re racist a-holes, that’s why they’re on the right. Malloy, on the other hand, is on the left, and as such isn’t supposed to condone (tacitly or otherwise) anti-semitism, especially since Jews are predominately supporters of the left. She’s SUPPOSED to speak out, since…