
I tried but couldn't find a clip, so I'll have to describe it. Remember the show, "Dinosaurs" from the mid 1990's? I think it ran for two seasons. In the final episode, the big corporation sprayed pesticide to kill off some bugs. Well that killed all the plant life (and dinosaurs are herbivores). So they decide to

What about Glen Coco?!

She was a stay at home mom and wife. But she did coupon clip Freddy's way through law school, only for him to become Nefler the Muffler Man.

I'm sorry. I was Team Duckie in 1986 when I was 15, obsessed with a male friend I thought would love me if he just saw me, and willing to overlook the fact that he was a stalker, an emotional manipulator, a whiner and a big fat baby. And likely soon to discover that he was gay, which meant he was holding Andie

Yes, this! And Team Duckie, while we're on the subject.

Whatever happened to the days when annoyed airport workers cursed over the intercoms, grabbed beers from the drink cart then deployed the emergency chute and slid off the plane that way? I miss Steven Slater.

I am going on record here to say that Jared Leto looks like the kind of guy who would be lazy in bed because he's hot. And also he would give you chlamydia.

You should check out the interview. Despite the fact that she does not, even ONCE, mention diapers, the word "diapers" stays on the screen for seven minutes.