bkjbjkbkjbjk bnjnnnlnlnlnlnlnlnln

Keep moving the goalposts.

You’ve proposed a situation, where the United States Executive and military unite as a monolithic national force to oppress a ragtag group of guys armed with pistols in a complete global vacuum where the government controls 100% of all wealth and resources and the rebels have nothing.

Exactly... :)

Just as I thought, you will try to weasel out of any possible example of a successful revolution against established governments. You are essentially asking me to provide examples of successful revolutions that occurred in an international vacuum. Cute, but you know as well as I do that is completely unrealistic. You


ok. fine, I’ll bite.

Well apparently in Mexico where they have adopted your views on gun prohibition even more people die per year. I guess we are both wrong.

I have no idea what imaginary opponent you are arguing against here.

Um ever heard of Chiang Kai-Shek and the Republic of China? What about the Fidel Castro’s revolution in Cuba? Or the dozens of other examples I linked to in the other thread?

Not true at all.

And in your fantastical resistance is futile world there would be no other countries in the world the hypothetical rebels could purchase additional equipment from?

Automatic, or semi-automatic jail sentence?

The communist revolutions in both Russia and China, which should be near and dear to your heart, were both won by lightly armed rebels against strong incumbent governments.

Tell that to Afghanistan.

All rights are individual rights sweetheart.

Many European countries require membership in a sports club to own guns. Same idea.

And to protect them from themselves you’ll force your views on an entire nation. How enlightened of you.

The constitutional principals all Americans are indoctrinated with make that type of a situation less likely. While not perfect, the document has enforced the concept of self-government for a long time.

I thought they were all old rich white men. the consent of the governed.