
Please pass this on to Dick Van Dyke if you can. He was once voted as the funniest man in America. His response was, “I’m not even the funniest man in my family”. In 1971, a group of sailors just out of boot camp when to the Playboy club in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin and we were entertained by a stag show starring his

What you’re missing is that she accused him of sexual assault. Something that you would be aware of if you had watched the trial. Footage of the actual trial is available to watch, you don’t have to rely on biased opinion pieces and comments.

I’m old enough to never have anything other than high school and college graduations. I’m not sure when these other ones became a thing and I dread doing all of them with my toddler.

Gtfoh with this bullshit. You know damn well that this story (assuming it’s true) isn’t simply about someone “changing their mind about something.” You also know damn well that if Boebert simply had a “personal opinion” about abortion, there wouldn’t be a problem. Guess what, everyone has a personal opinion about

Super enjoying Britney’s downward spiral that all the liberals are playing off as being normal.

Britney is free, married, and we about to see her all in her unhinged glory, and I’m all for it.

She can sure pick ‘em. 

“While a judge dropped Ramasar from the case as a defendant”, Seems like an important piece of information to just gloss over.

Kim has too much time on her hands. Too much thumb twiddling.

I don’t even think this chick graduated from a real high school, and she’s out here pontificating as a lawyer? And trying to influence the legal system?

Go inject your butt with more fat or do a sex tape, you privileged pampered airheaded brat.

I really thought that comment was going to end with some really interesting connection. Ha 

People don’t like Last Crusade?! It may not be Raiders, but it’s leagues better than Temple of Doom and Crystal Skull. 

I can’t believe Peter Gould actually admitted in an interview that they were stealing from themselves from the train robbery episode in BB. How do people still say this is better than BB when it’s just a copy? And Lalo coulda waited a few minutes more until Howard left. Wait that wouldn’t work because mid-season

always happy to find another person who didn’t like guardians 2. russos aside there’s also a bit of streak with directors who come back delivering a worse product (wildly agreed upon that iron man 2 is inferior, obviously mileage varies but i do not like gotg2 at all, i didn’t like far from home, and age of ultron

Pffft. It’s nonsense fanfic about a terrible person

I watched some clips from back in Breaking Bad. Gus seems a bit more positive and upbeat there, at least sometimes (e.g. the sequence where he invites Walt over for dinner); in BCS he’s just grim menacing gloom all the time.

Even meth kingpins and their minions can’t avoid HOA bullshit.

You just did.

That would’ve been the greatest TV crossover since the Laff-A-Lympics. I would’ve celebrated with babka. Maybe two babka.

Really not digging the destruction of Howard. It’s just mean-spirited.

The Rymans suck. Fuck HOAs. Enjoy your tomato red house, whoever you are.