
From a distance, with the sound off, that looks like Ariana. But yeah, this is BAD.

Anyone who needs to be told Janet Hubert is the “dark-skin Aunt Viv” shouldn’t even be on this site, nor should anyone who feels the need to point that out.

“As recently as 2019, Reade was on record saying that during her time working at Biden’s Senate office, he would touch her neck and shoulders, and once asked her to serve drinks at an event because he liked her legs.”


Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, gives a shit about Aunt Viv #2 (as a character, I’m sure Mrs. Daphne is delightful, as is her underappreciated husband), and I am 100% convinced that Will only includes her in these things just to rub it in Janet Hubert’s face.


Now You See Three

What an ill-advised article to write.

Only one?

Shut up, Carlton.

You can’t call your show Black AF then cast Rashida Jones and expect to be taken seriously.

Hot take:  Everything or Nothing > Goldeneye

Remember Heroes ? Remember the first time you realized that the Wendy & Lisa who did the music for the show was THAT Wendy & Lisa??? Good times.

Who the hell is Paul Williams?

You got paid for this?

Two thieves who slapped their names on other people’s work, one who was notorious for taking sole writing credit on songs where all he said was “Take that, take that.”

I so hope TNT doesn’t sign this jackass when he retires.

The first ten minutes of Diamonds, with Bond going balls out and globetrotting to find Blofeld, should have been the whole movie.

Patrick Stewart would have KILLED as Victor Fries.

Random Roles?