
Stopped reading at “Florida couple”.

white privilege.

white people

I don’t believe her. 

You guessed it. 

Have you ever seen any of The Godfather movies?


Yeah Southwest isn’t the asshole here, and male flight attendants are always kind of dopey.

Hot damn did they save the best for last. 

I came.

I don’t know who she has pictures of, but she’s been getting some plum roles right out of the gate, when she was like working at Chipotle a year ago.


Then call the fucking cops, not the media.

Can we please stop with the “It was a draw!” bullshit? Anything less than total annihilation was a loss for Bruce Lee. 

Wait, I’m totally confused here; how exactly could Angela Bassett save America from Trump?

White could it possibly be????

She won’t, because none of this ever happened.

The pain and exasperation in that man’s voice is heartbreaking. I am so sick of this shit. 

And Stake Land.