
It wasn’t that bad, Booker could have went in for a pound at the end, but Lemon pulled back too quick.

Every adult involved with this should be ashamed, including the parents of the little monsters who stood around and watched this angel fight herself to her death.

Should’ve gone with Rockwell and worked in a dance scene. 

I’m all for updated stories but I hope Peele doesn’t do Serling impressions in the intros. I’d rather see him dressed down in his office, just saying why each particular episode is relevant to our times.

Underrated and underappreciated Black Excellence. 

The last ten minutes of(the otherwise pretty terrible) Clerks II might have been Smith’s finest hour, looks like this movie is going to muck all of that up.

I think “Reboot” is  a part of the title. 

Light skinned nonsense.

Name the fucker.

Follow the herd, and eventually one of the sheep will approve you.

It is for cable. 

Cheezits Christ, what kind of response was that idiot expecting? 

Haha, Larry Cohen had no taste at all, and that’s what made him so charming and sincere.

If you’re a fan of his movies, you HAVE to go back and listen to his commentaries, he’s a riot.

Wow, forcing her to visit the stadium offices at midnight, forcing tequila down her throat, and forcing her to leave her mom in a room at the Claremont; these guys were real demons to this little angel.

These bruthas might as well start working on the sequel because they’ve just about ran us out of Oakland too.

Stevie B. was emo the whole time!

The whole Jusse Smollet debacle was the universe’s way of telling us that Tevin should be on Empire. 

Grace Jones cameo or GTFO.

KRS already made an album called Blueprint.