
yes!!...brilliant comment.

Hi! I’ve had a good week!

“I still can’t decide if I should regret this decision, or if I dodged a bullet.”

Moscow Mitch” McConnell and Bill “The Fixer” Barr are the two most dangerous men in America. Traitor Trump is the nuclear weapon they are using to destroy our society.

Let’s not forget when President Obama first came to office Mitch McConnell said “my number one priority is making sure Obama’s a one term president.” He failed. But what he’s been very successful at is stacking the federal courts with white supremacists & right wing judges. That legacy will haunt us for a while.

I still can’t decide if that last one was real, or satire. Classic Poe’s Law I guess.

Wow, it’s taken me a while and a bit of effort to get to this point, but here’s what happened when I first tried to respond:

I totally agree.

Meanwhile on Fox News...Mitch McConnell is on Hannity saying shit shit like this...

May I point out that the votes were divided between 24 diverse Democratic representatives and 17 white Republicans?

That's what I thought. And I can't even blame autocorrect for mine.

The Trumps are all cowardly scumbags.

It gets AWFULLY confusing for these humanity-hating dickheads when facts themselves sound a lot like progressive thinking.

Others are testifying their experiences that contradict you.

See, I think the real anti-Semites are the evangelical Christians who support Israel only so all the Jews can return there, thus kickstarting Armageddon, in which the Jews will have only two options: convert to Christianity, OR FUCKING DIE.

The only time I went to IHOP I almost had an existential crisis in the face of their lack of real Maple Syrup (I’m Canadian). What’s the effin’ idea? That’s like opening a fast-food with no ketchup! *glares at Subway across the street*

I had a really weird experience the last time I was selected for random screening. I knew what to expect so when she went into her verbal spiel, I waived the preview and said she could just get started. And she got SUPER PISSED at me. I got pissed because it was 4:45 AM and I had an unreasonable bitch snarling in my

Yes, Troy. Also late 60s. Treasurer took the money earmarked for new snow removal equipment and departed to a non-extradition country. City had already traded in the old worn out crap. No snow removal except on state routes through the city and some private contractors. RPI cleared their area (Rensselaer Polytechnic

Whose side are you on? Gun manufacturers, the gun lobby—or the children that are getting gunned down in this country every single day?”