
And, of course, certain people in the grays do believe that the racists should be promoted. *rolls eyes* 

I agree. Animals should be hunted for food, if at all, and not all of them. In certain limited situations, they should be culled for population control (since we killed off or drove away the natural predators), to eliminate invasive species (that we screwed up by introducing into the wild), etc.

No. We as a country and a people need to join the rest of the industrialized world, and purge ourselves of the evil of the death penalty.

An even better reason to halt the execution: because the death penalty is wrong and should be abolished altogether.

They get it from their father.

Do you think he was a good enough marksman to do a clean kill shot, even with a sheep?

“22 Cops in St. Louis Were Exposed For Racist Facebook Posts. 2 Were Fired.”

The lazy corrupt racist orange santorum-covered enemy of the people has his panties all in a twist, because a girl beat him to Person of the Year of Time Magazine.

We are outliers, and we are proud!

Get over yourself.

Constantine continues to fail to understand that dismissing people not in the grays is ineffective.

Autocorrect may have done it to me, but I didn’t catch it, so it’s on me. 

“The Conservative Squad”

You could probably part it out and recoup much of your money, if it came to that.

“It needs to be a manual, drop-top, and some kind of back seat. What car should he buy?”

I work with a bunch of people who drive more than I do.

I drove over 1,300 miles in two days this summer, twice.

Actually, no, autocorrect zapped me, twice.

I agree with you.