
I visit a friend and her family in NYC, who has me (and all visitors) remove my shoes at the door for the same basic reason.

Then you didn’t go into the backwoods areas of WV. It’s scary for white people, and terrifying for others.

The lazy corrupt racist orange santorum-covered enemy of the people is best described by the problematic but on-the-money-in-this-regard Bill Maher: the Frothy One is a WHINY LITTLE BITCH! 

You confuse the reportage of facts and informed opinions (by ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, Google, Facebook, Huffington Post, New York Times, L. A. Times, the Root Et al.) with the promulgation of right wing propaganda (by Faux News and the right-wing swamp).

Another possible approach: put a battery in the trailer, and link it to the car.

Mom: VW Beetle (air-cooled).

They’re both members of Congress.*

“Are you casting aspersions on Louie Gohmert?”

“Every democrat running for office is ‘well spoken’”

There is natural climate change, and there is man-made climate change.

If I were to be a multi-millionaire, i’d love to have my own train car. And a plane.

The tattoo isn’t finished. She did the first word.

If I hear a Southern white say something bigoted, I might say: “Bless your heart.” Southerners know what that coded phrase means. :-)

The grays are Kinja’ed for me unless it’s a direct reply to one of my messages. Formatting tools and various other features on the Kinja websites are also Kinja’ed. I’ve been reporting this for two months now, but it’s still not fixed.

Actually, that’s not necessarily valid, the assumption that a member of Congress can speak well.

One of the things that sucks about coded language and coded bigotry, is that it can trap innocent people.

Earlier today, I made vegan curried split pea soup in my Instant Pot, and baked two loaves of bread (using King Arthur flours), for a pot luck supper with colleagues. 

Even better, a future Congress can just quietly get rid of the Space Force provision, while keeping the paid maternity leave. (I suppose the reverse is also possible -- which is why we need to VOTE!)

She knows better. At best, she’s pandering to the racist vote.