
This is by design, of course. Forced birthers would rather deny women health care, than permit them to get needed health care including access to abortion.

Formatting tools are not currently working, so here is an old-fashioned quote:

The poison pen review? of Guy Fieri’s Times Square restaurant? in the New York Times? is seriously hilarious?

The fact that Captain Beefheart and Frank Zappa went to high school together is both illuminating and seriously deranged. 

Formatting tools are not currently functional, so here’s an old-fashioned quote:

He makes valid points, as he almost-simultaneously steps in it.

No. You are projecting. But if you don’t have the personal insight to recognize it, then you may not have the insight to understand other topics of discussion herein. 

You claim that nobody will do so. Yet one of the arguments against abortion restrictions is that women will perform abortions anyway.

Formatting tools aren’t working, so I’ll quote the old fashioned way:

Maybe you should consider doing so, at least as intellectual exercises.

You’re projecting. It doesn’t look good on you.

Medically, legally, morally, its a foetus.

Sigh and smf you literally haunted my dreams. 1) please stop and 2) let everyone, including all the people crossing the street, to walk away from you

Dismissing people in the grays remains an exercise in futility.

I tried to star your comment, but starring has been broken as of late, so here is this reply instead. 

You’re being intellectually dishonest. You’re either pro-choice or you’re not. There’s no “pro-choices-I-agree-with,” no “pro-some-life.”

I was kind of confused about the full term abortion thing. That would just be inducing labour, right...? 

I cannot stop hating. Driving irresponsibly has nothing to do with reproductive rights - you are a fool

Thats a terrible analogy.

Full term foetus. There are no babies until they’ve exited the host.