
He attacked a high ranking official in a foreign government. That’s a declaration of war, and the only reason we’re not at war is that Iran is in no position to do so successfully. If someone had blown the shit out of General James C. McConville, we’d have bombed that country back into the stone age already. It’s a

Well, tRump is doing his best to make your second paragraph so.  And I’m all for it, except the world is tending to pivot to China and they’re worse than the US and better at being worse.

Sometimes a family ends in tragedy and since TLJ was about failure, and how you live/grow/refuse to grow in response to that, having him fall would have worked.

Disney really needs to stick to in-house directors for their work. They have very specific ideas on what they want to see and are quite fine with dumping anyone, no matter how famous, if they’re not getting it.  As they continue to gain in power it’ll only get worse.

Cultural reactionary changes over time. We’ve come to realize that many corporate or political ‘rules’ were made to benefit a tiny subset of entitled people and thus we doubt them, and women as the mean girls making up rules that seem stupid and arbitrary are a frequent visitor to action stories.

I did not find it all the fuckin’ hard to follow the storylines in the show. And, even when I didn’t know, when it became clear there had been a time jump it wasn’t jarring to re-frame what I saw. I don’t get all the anguish about this - I mean, is it so terrible to not completely understand everything in a show the

He has his own money, but would give up receiving the various financial and other benefits accrued to the Crown and the ‘official’ royal family.

Sounds about right.

She didn’t to much if anything. I lived in LA during her billboard dominance and she was basically an LA celebrity - meaning she (her husband) was rich, she showed up at parties, did a lot of add copy type stuff (like the billboards) ... I’m not even sure she was ever in a movie or a TV show. You’d see her driving up

I’m not actually sure what Angelyne looks like, plus, there are miracles nowadays around wigs and costumes and all sorts of things used in these newfangled moving pictures.

Delightful little fact about selective service and federal loans. If you’re male, you have to register for SS, in order to qualify for federal ed loans. If you’re a trans* man, you can’t register for SS and the exception process for getting a Fed loan is so byzantine and opaque (and who knows if it still exists,

All you need for a full deployment is the President instructing the military to do so.  Declarations of war still require congressional approval but Presidents have been ignoring that step for awhile now.  The public may hate it ... but we have little direct control over it.  Until he’s voted out of office or

There used to be - it’s in modern times that the president was given the power to unilaterally attack other countries w/o Congressional approval.

Our mayor is ... a problem, he tends not to be supportive of most new faces (particularly  if they’re not white and/or not part of the established Portland gentry). The real problem was she couldn’t get either the police union or the police rank and file behind her and - even when they’re shitty (and the union, at

Yeeah ... I (and many of us) were very excited when she was hired but her actual work was disappointing. She had pretty sterotypical blue cop behaviors, from discussing ‘bad neighborhoods’, to trying to pass an anti-mask law (we have a pretty strong antifa presence here, just like we have a strong fascist presence)

Anti-vaccine nutjobs.

I wonder if the three people in there who are flashing what looks more like the stereotypical black power fist were fired too.  None of them (from the edited photos) were obviously people of color, the one brown skinned person did the nazi salute.

Everyone deserves to be heard, and to be taken seriously but we don’t have to see a fuckin’ fictionalized movie of it.

Sounds like his brothers were young teens, more or less.  

Yeah, the cidery I went to had a wassail for the apple trees, which includes threatening the trees in song if they don’t produce good apples.