
I don’t think feminism means what you think it means...

Yeesh- am I the only one that saw this and wanted more? I love corny

Of course the misogyny comes out in full swing because the show runner is a woman.

Many conveniently forget that when the games came out there was also a lot of flack about them not sticking to the books and changing things around. Now the games are considered canon more than the books. 142 million hours streamed in the first 3 days .... this series isn’t going anywhere it’s just too successful

Not to mention that the books aren’t exactly the pinnacle of literature. The translations lose much of the original charm is something I hear time and time again. They were always going to be pissed off, especially since Fringilla looks different than the book character.

I’d note that the very same fine folks having an absolute meltdown about any changes from the books or games (which are radically different from each other) also in the same breath will rant about how everyone is too easily triggered and offended these days and just need to suck it up....with zero self awareness.

I don’t think I’ve seen so much complaining from any other book adapted fan base.

They probably weren’t contacts this go round. Most productions have moved away from them, especially scleral lenses. Since there’s not small risk of eye damage.

They apparently used contacts in season 1. And Cavil insisted on wearing them a lot more often, and for a lot longer than recommended. Suffered some eye

Part of the reason I think we see it so clearly in the backlash is the choices made in stories.

Honestly, I think most of them haven’t actually read the books. They were upset about Eskel’s death — apparently he’s an untouchable fan favourite, despite barely appearing in them. They were upset about Roach’s death — there’s a long line of Roaches; Geralt uses the same name for every horse. Those are game

I enjoyed the second season, although I could have done without the super bright contacts which I feel like were turned up to max brightness in post. The book readers are tearing it apart and I’m just so confused. I get not liking changes but sometimes they need to be made. Of course the misogyny comes out in full

Nope. Seems everyone who isn’t on PTO is phoning it in.

“My dad died, then this friend died, then my mom died,” Wachowski recently said at the International Literature Festival Berlin (via /Film). “I didn’t really know how to process that kind of grief. I hadn’t experienced it that closely… You know their lives are going to end and yet it was still really hard. My brain

Oh you sweet summer child.

This movie totally lost me when Neo’s boss, at the imaginary videogame company, announced that their parent company, Warner Bros, wants him to make a sequel to a trilogy of games he made twenty years ago: The Matrix.

Pretty sure bad writing is a fundamental reason why a film should not be nominated for Best Picture. That is lazy-as-fuck writing to create circumstances to propel the plot forward. The social apperatus that allows the world to track Peter Parker down in a heartbeat would do the same for Mysterio and thereby cripple

No. This same kind of bullshit about The Dark Knight is what got the Best Picture nomination bumped up to ten nominees for awhile.

Let me explain the problem:

I just want Keaton to play Bruce in the Batman Beyond movie we are never going to get.

She is definitely wearing a superhero outfit... or a Starfleet uniform. It’s super form-fitting, it has a freakin’ utility belt, and it’s a pretty significant departure from the outfits her character wore in the first film (scrubs and street clothes). Some people are theorizing that Rachel McAdams, like pretty much