
I don’t know who was looking at Aaliyah and not seeing an unmistakably black woman (mostly teen since she died when she was 22). Clearly, someone who hasn’t spent any time around black people. She’s not racially ambiguous and can’t pass for white. We’re not talking about Mariah or Halsey.

You’re not sure what makes a decades-long history in the US Senate advocating for policies that would objectively improve millions of people’s quality of life a more “real” job than a freaking internet streamer?
K, bub. Also Bernie absolutely IS held to a higher standard, and has actively lived up to that higher

Now playing

neoliberal sellout chasing clout with socialism-lite talking points

Nicki has been on the side of more than one sex offender at this point - like, what is wrong with her?

I’m glad something big like the Times has picked up this story. NO ONE has been amplifying her cry for help from the harrassment she receives. All the black media blogs don’t dare cover the story in fear of making Nicki angry and when a little news coverage does come out, Nicki is mysteriously involved in a scandal to

Is it just me, or do the graphics look like they need another 6-12 months in the oven, especially the battle sequences 

You mad about Doja who is in a contractual obligation but not Minaj who is willingly in a relationship with a rapist and threatens his victims for him behind the scene? Bitch, the priorities.

Oh man, you didn’t check in to see how this insane stretch of a nothing-burger was getting roasted over at The Root? Cause it’s getting no traction there, and it feels like their readership should know.

Lost Legacy is the best IMO. All the wide linear environments of the fourth game, lovable character of the second, and none of the pacing issues and the 11th hour mystical enemies. 

Go figure a system that’s been having a ton of supply problems has games with lackluster online populations.

Well, Im excited

So wearing a sweatshirt, being assertive, and liking sports makes a woman gay?

Yes, cosmetics in Apex are a bit too pricey for my tastes, and I certainly wouldn’t balk at them being cheaper,’s an entirely free-to-play game. You can, and many have, played the game for thousands of hours without dropping a single cent so I have no issue with cosmetics costing what they do since it’s the

Anybody else read the headline as:

Not once do you mention that it’s Hamas, a recognized terrorist organization launching rockets at Israeli civilians

“Not once do you mention that it’s Hamas, a recognized terrorist organization launching rockets at Israeli civilians”

I have not and I do not plan to right now” is not quite the same as “don’t plan to work with him again”, is it?
Ah, misleading clickbait titles, we meet (constantly) again.

Angel, I know you can’t hear me, and probably will never see this but: You deserve way better than that airing of laundry and the person who betrayed you then told the world about it while simultaneously demanding YOU to be loyal to HER.

You mean the guy who got rich from stereotyping doesn’t like stereotyping cops?

This is a brutal take.