You’re so miserable like the dumb ass in your avi.
You’re so miserable like the dumb ass in your avi.
People like you are the worst.
YESSS let’s ignore the fact that show is about poor vs rich and how rich people like this dumb bitch up top never seems to getttttt iiiiiiittttttt.
LMFAO. Girl PLEASE. Not you acting like Ms. Stewart had anything remotely close to what these ladies have gone through. Shut up.
She’s distracting EVERYONE from that fact that she needs to be served court papers for harassing the woman that was raped by her fiance. She does this ALL the time. Anytime something gets reported on that case, she’s magically in the news. It’s like clock work. It’s upsetting no one in the media has caught on yet.
This woman is the QUEEN of stirring up a scandal to BURY what is really going on. She does this ALL the time and everyone falls for it. She needs to be served by the grand Marshall for HARASSING the woman who was RAPED by her FIANCE!!!! She’s distracting EVERYONE.
Gamora looks horrible.
Is this the one with the Buckwild blaccent?
Everyone go listen to honey off Halsey’s new album. Perfection.
Some fucking losers in the comments Jesus fucking Christ.
Girl stfu.
She’s never been.
I’m glad something big like the Times has picked up this story. NO ONE has been amplifying her cry for help from the harrassment she receives. All the black media blogs don’t dare cover the story in fear of making Nicki angry and when a little news coverage does come out, Nicki is mysteriously involved in a scandal to…
They’re finally doing something about this? This has been going on since last year. Last Christmas we got one for one of our nieces and her skin was red and puffy as hell after a few hours. Did some research, and A LOT of people, majority kids, were going through this. We emailed the company and they were VERY cagey…
I loved this show so much. I always try to recommend it any and every one.
Oh so she racist now? Girl go lick Mianj’s gooch.
You hit the nail right on the head! What’s really hilarious is these studios, especially Crystal Dynamics keep insisting that they only take inspiration from the comics on not the MCU when we can clearly see that they do. They love the Party City versions they create.
Oh you real mad.