that’s just how it went. the teacher was brilliant: he predicted the fall of the soviet empire—and the reason for its fall—in 1985 (six years ahead of time).
that’s just how it went. the teacher was brilliant: he predicted the fall of the soviet empire—and the reason for its fall—in 1985 (six years ahead of time).
if anyone wants to peruse this sorta longish explanation, it might help clear some things up:
i took AP american history ca. 1985. i remember spending an inordinate amount of time on the minutiae of the revolutionary war (and still missing the main point of the war, which was really mostly about protecting the interests of the landed/slave-holding elites against challenges from both below and across the…
in order to learn anything, schumer and his ilk would first have to take the giant corporate popsicle out of their mouths.
“must have written”, not “must have wrote”—it.
have you noticed any other changes? has he become more forgetful, for example?
i’m sorry to have to break it to you (and maybe you’ve realized this by now), but there’s no such thing as a libertarian feminist or feminist libertarian. the path to greater gender equality does not intersect much with libertarian fantasies of individual self-sufficiency and “small” government.
except that this guy isn’t just disagreeing with her. read her letter. he’s being an opinion bully.
he doesn’t have a frame of reference for being a decent person.
a white, boy baby.
psychology is not a subjective field. it is a science according to pretty much all the accepted definitions of “science”.
please do not diss evolutionary psychology. kanazawa happens to be a misogynist bigot and a lousy intellectual, wrapping his personal issues in the mantle of evolutionary psychology. that doesn’t make the science bunk.
ditto. love mame.
baby steps.
As always, their logic is screwy: according to their own theology, they can’t have the Second Coming they’re all desperately waiting for, until after the Antichrist takes control of the world. The Bible (Revelation) says so. So, they should be ecstatically embracing the New World Order of environmental stewardship,…
yes, but he lost the next round. never pays to let your guard down.
brilliant! i’m stealing!
“A warrant for Bikram Yoga founder Bikram Choudhury’s arrest was issued today by a Los Angeles judge who has reportedly fled the country without paying a penny of the millions of dollars he owes to Minakshi Jafa-Bodden for a sexual harassment lawsuit.”
—you seriously need to run this sentence by a high school English…
can’t she sue the cop or the police department? please? pretty please?