
So, I cosign this 100%. My hubby and I discussed getting married. There was no proposal. It was more like: “so, should we try to get married this year?”. We got really beautiful bands with our fingerprints made (I’m probably outing myself to people with this post) and eloped. I can’t imagine anything more meaningful

No way. All their parents planned these cash cows before they conceived with IVF.


Yes! I came here to say the same thing! That smug, slack-eyed, too-cool look makes me think these guys all need a punch in the nose or a kick in the pants.

Only a dude would call setting back women’s rights and well being by a few decades small shit. Go away.

We believe victims, right?we can’t cherry pick who we believe when we don’t want it to be true.

Men who bring that up actually believe in the unspoken rule that women should silently take it. They don’t disbelieve it happened, they are annoyed someone isn’t following the good ole boys 10 commandments.

They might be the actions of an innocent person.

I don’t know. Wasn’t that accusation leveled by an avowed white supremacist? Who was really just annoyed at her outfit? It sounded like an MRA trying to “level the playing field” to me.

Why can’t Russian women with big tits also enjoy lesbian literature and over priced coffee WITH us, Matt? Sounds like heaven. Oh, you think those women want YOU? Lol. Also, Matt, nobody wants your stinky dick. So enjoy trying to force women to get near it you moldy lettuce leaf. Fuck Matt Taibbi. Fuck. That. Guy.

He lives around the corner from me. Thats all I know until someone gives me Hamilton tickets.

Yeah, like law enforcement don’t collude in covering up rapes/for rapists. Weinstein was totally behind that.

He must have really enjoyed every aspect of this. The attacks and then the meticulous gaslighting. I imagine the grooming, attack and ultimately life long crushing of the soul was all part of the game. Not so much damage control but continuation of delighting in others torment. 


Yes! I agree.

Dude, what the fuck are you talking about?

You’re either a dude or an idiot.

Oh, shut the fuck up.

Either you don’t know Rochester, NY or you are from Rochester, NY and excusing its racist culture. Don’t make excuses for this.

I think actually if a guy doesnt know the academic basis for feminism amd doesn’t call himself a feminist he is more likely to be a feminist. My husband surprises me with his understanding of the double standards women face. I think it has a lot to do with his understanding of what his mother went through as a single,