
Look at these house styles they went with - which, I wish had been shown in the article but whatever. Why go all artsy in this circumstance? Maybe if they’d focused on more simple quality tried-and-true homes instead of artistic-statement ones they’d not have problems in the workmanship.
It just seems like a fishy

Now playing

“at the right time”
Is that his version of his Dad’s “in the next 2 weeks?”

They only pulled The Bible for “review” with the others - they don’t want to appear outright discriminatory in their actions ya know.
Of course they’ll find it’s fine in the end. The story now is what other books will be allowed after this “review” process.

Just a reminder: The books are now UNDER REVIEW.
They haven’t been “pulled” completely.

I dunno about this article.
A guy, the writer Bob, who has a Bachelor of Science from Syracuse and who’s worked in the automotive-print-media for about 8 years is trying to tell me HE DOESN’T KNOW HOW TO RESEARCH + decipher tech-auto parts???
(yes, I did 2 seconds of research on Bob)

Why don’t you write out the sentence as you think it should be written, for us simpleton please.

She says Whitfield brought unwanted attention to the school district for being married to a white woman

Now playing

One of her first efforts is an autonomous car with an algorithm that doesn’t recognize people of color . As far as car design and innovation, yikes...

This show was a huge favorite among my friends and I back in the 5th grade.

The show was just NOT GOOD.
I was willing to give it some leeway because I was into a black gay sci-hero but YIKES was the show clunky.

There are no current judicial vacancies open in Kentucky, but the Courier Journal reports that the deal is in place for as soon as one opens.

Ahh the famous woke cancel culture of 1976.

And, get this, rightwingers have been calling her “RACIST” for that statement-opinion.

I’m pro-life/dem but I got kicked out years ago because even though I vote straight dem because of my belief I wasn’t good enough. Now I vote GOP because of them

So... huh... okay... Let’s take a quick gander at our neighbors to the north, Doctor Congressman. CANADA has the same music, video games, tv shows/movies as we do — But they don’t have a mass shooting problem.

Not just “smiling next to” - She’s the one who’s idea it was and convinced Danson it’d be funny and fine.

After Mel Gibson was publicly busted spouting violent racist/bigoted/sexist crap back in 2010 Whoopi Goldberg defended him by saying something like, and I paraphrase:

When Trump ran in 2016 he bashed EVERY STATE he visited. He would do a rally in Ohio and say how terrible Ohio was, then in the next state he’d say how terrible that state was. On and on... unless there was an already friendly Governor, but in his early days there weren’t too many of those.
He also bashed the military

Whenever Shaun trends on twitter I have to look because the various nicknames for him are hilarious. Here’s a few I remember:
Snow J Simpson / Fleece Witherspoon / Frauderick Douglass / Martin Luther Cream / Hueless P Newton / Tupac Sugar

Jesse and his team’s plan WORKED!!
He got “leaked” dik pics out sending all sorts of people’s blood flowing and getting him tons of thick publicity - seems celebs with small or even regular dicks never get this shit “leaked.”
And now that they got him the publicity (and admiration) he gets to play humble victim while