“Trump was doing it for all the right reasons. He loved this country. It was in trouble,” he wrote in a now-deleted Facebook post...
“Trump was doing it for all the right reasons. He loved this country. It was in trouble,” he wrote in a now-deleted Facebook post...
He also used this old chestnut about how she CAN’T be racist:
Stuff like this happened when Obama was running, too.
Then after he won, of course, the economy turned great and suddenly they were silent.
It’s like these people have no memory or are just blatantly lying about what economies do under Dems because they’re assholes.
Since I had to look up who John Beard is, and he’s a local-to-LA newsguy, I’d say your counterpoint is lost on the vast majority of Arrested Development watchers in the U.S. and the world.
real Chicago TV news reporters really helps establish that presence
Side topic:
Real newspeople appearing in fiction movies is a peeve of mine.
It’s belittling to the newsperson, imo. It makes their ‘real’ news work seem more disingenuous to me.
And I don’t get what the purpose is.
So, I’m in the theater watching some Kaiju fighting, then it cuts to a bar scene and patrons are watching…
On Instagram, artist Pan Cooke, who does explainer-comics about incidences of police killing black people, has one up for Jonathan Price. It’s a simple 8-panel comic. I hope the link to Insta works here.
Not noted in Root Zack’s article is, apparently Jonathan’s convulsing-reaction to being tased is what cops are using…
He also regrets being rude to celebrities’ children.... “I now see that I never needed to be so mean or cruel. I would’ve been fine anyway, just by being who I was.”
*Not all grays...in fact there are some who have been languishing there who need a follow...just sayin’. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This isn’t surprising.
Costco (and it’s originator Price Club) was founded by avowed Democrats and semi-SJWs and they kept that “social responsibility” vibe throughout aspects of their biz.
As a matter of fact, Costco execs get harangued by shareholders because the company gives employees higher pay and bennies than…
Meanwhile, white kids do like this with real guns with no problems:
It’s a Simpsons reference. Lighten up, Francis.
So what? Animation is built on plagiarism. If it weren’t for someone plagiarizing the Honeymooners we wouldn’t have the Flintstones.
Friggen gave you away.
Her mother’s bosom does not smell of cocoa butter and Holy Ghost.
Sure it cost a pretty penny to make it happen—Ice-T doesn’t come cheap, we imagine—
It’s not a cornerstone. It’s a publicity stunt.
They know it’s a publicity stunt.
(not sure if Snyder does but he probably don’t care).
Normal Person: My daughter had unexpectedly died and I want to thank everyone for accommodating me as best as the situation allowed in that tragic time. The finished movie is not what I would have done but it was just bad circumstances all around.
Of course they suddenly “enforced” the code on a black boy - and that’s suspect.
But this policy is SEXIST at its core as I’m betting girls don’t have a length requirement on their hair. That ALSO needs to be talked about.
But, and I’m not saying anything anyone here doesn’t already know; I also guarantee that plenty of…
I wouldn’t call it a “mispronunciation” so much as a failed attempt at pretension