b is a person

Somewhat unrelated, but we are now getting to the age where younger people don’t remember 9/11, and I’m finding it so weird. September 11th literally changed the direction of my entire life (I’m 31), and when just-out-of-college co-workers look at me like I’m a dinosaur when I say I was in Iraq, I can’t get my head

Someone please inform Keegan Michael Key that stupidity isn’t a plot point. Neither is being an asshole. This stuff works great for 4 minute sketches on Key & Peele, which I loved to death, but for an entire show, it just made me want to roll my eyes so hard they almost dislodged from my skull. Who spends $30,000

Now playing

I love Keegan-Micheal Key and will watch anything he is in.

i feel like it’s weird for vice to feature recovered addicts and call them “party legends”

I am one of the 3.1 M who watched this, kind of inexplicably.. but I was curious to see how she handled basically recycling the NYTimes story about sexual harassment in tech. My key thoughts were:

I’ve watched her show, and it’s boring.

The uber rich, police commissioners, journalists...this shit sounds like a party at Wayne Manor. How come the Joker never crashes these types of events IRL?

Well, he got consent right, so I’m all for that!

I am reading this as hatred based on linen

SOO much linen on that show. Also, strongly concur with your statement.

Hateration in 3...2...1...

admittedly i dont know much about this woman, but how does being a gay Christian mommy blogger work? Is she the kind of Christian who actually follows Christ’s teachings (the golden rule) and tells the church to fuck off with their oppressive bullshit? or does she just think the rules dont apply to her and is ok with

I gotta say I don’t either. For their sake I hope I’m wrong, but there’s definitely a Tom-Cruise-couch-jumping aspect to this whole thing.

I like “Christian Mommy blogger” as a phrase, its contains as much of a concentrated warning as a cobra with hood flared, cat with fur fluffed up, and hippo yawning combined.

Yay, live the best you. Boo, you seem insufferable.

There was no Ayn Rand shout-out, and I actually liked Lisa in this one - but you’re not supposed to like Lisa! They did show Robbie basically sexually assaulting Lisa in this one, which made me root for her a little.

If the Schumacher’s don’t exist, then how does Johnny dramatically leave and return for the big dance number?

They added all sorts of stuff about the parents and weird conversations between the staff members. Which was just nonsensical. Never once have I ever watched the original and thought “This would be better if it were an hour longer and featured more conversations with the parents about their sexless marriage.”

Reads soaring, glowingly positive article about the progeny of two unique 90s era music talents. Clicks on videos and hears two very boring, safe, Seacreastian pop tunes.
