
(Sorry for the delay on reply.)

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Getting hyped for Screaming Females new one All at Once, which is out in February. Same producer as their last album, which bodes well. Screaming Females were always a lean band, but Rose Mountain was them with absolutely no fat and killer all the way through. Hoping the trend continues and from the couple of preview

Gotcha. Will check out then.

Ahoy, writer of my favorite church hymn! I’m doing alright.

No problem! Seemed too cool a thing not to spread the word on.

Counter-point: Yellow Diamond is voiced by Patti LuPone. That’s gotta count for something.

I wish I had noticed this, but someone else out in Facebook land pointed this out: With Sadie now a rock singer and Lars a pink space rebel, the two of them have become a gender swapped recapitulation of Rose and Greg. Nice one, Crewniverse.

1) There is no children’s section of the AV Club.

I can hang with ambiguity. I’m one of those weirdos who like doing the ending of The Grey, for instance.

Okay. I’m cool with not knowing the central mystery as long as it doesn’t feel like the writers are just spinning plates for the sake of spinning plates.

Truly, the best discovery of all.

I’ve been meaning to watch Leftovers, but I’m going to ask: does it have a satisfying ending? I don’t mind a weird or tripped out ending, I just don’t want to get sucked into something that scratches my itch for the strange only to have it peter out because the creators really only had so much weird in the tank.

I really need to make the time to listen to those four(?) albums they released this year, but I gotta put in a mother of an order with my weed guy first.

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T’is, isn’t it? All the songs on the album are really well formed musically. They pack a lot in to fast n’ furious punk songs and the album is a satisfying listen all the way through. And IDLES are not without a sense of humor amongst all the strum and drang...

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Easy: The album “Brutalism” by U.K. band IDLES. It is a pummeling, ferocious piece of 21st century punk rock that’s relevant socially and sonically. It’s the sound of Brexit, 45, narrowing job opportunities, rising rents, and growing millennial angst about it all rolled into one album.

I had scroll way too far to find someone making this joke. You’re slipping, A.V. Club.

Chiming in to simply say that this was my favorite episode so far. I laughed way too hard at way too many things. Also: Between the guy in a bug suit, a weird ass fetish bar, and a hapless JW finding himself on the wrong end of a sadist, I think it’s safe to say that the show has now gone full Morrison... and I have

Ah! I was wondering where all my Steven Universe peeps had gone off to. Guess I’ll have to start posting over there.

Well played, good sir.

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“Mary Berry’s got a job! So why don’t you get a job?!”