
Ice. Cold.

Neither of my parents were book readers much, but my Dad was like yours when it came to newspapers and news magazines. That was enough, I think, for reading to take root in me (plus an agreement that they’d always pay for books I wanted to read as opposed to having to spend my own allowance money*, a deal I think all

Alas, I did not. I went on to wreck it all and am not exactly happy with myself for how I let it happen. But hey, word is that SHE’S doing well these days. I on the other hand...

Mr. Death is terrific and easily my favorite Errol Morris movie. It’s such a wonderful example of some buying into their own hype even though they know that they shouldn’t. Fred Leuchter’s blind spot to the limits of his own expertise is both maddening and weirdly, relatably human.

Yep. Tremendously good record. I really wish it was getting exposure in the States. The U.K. has been knocking out of the park the last few years when it comes to rock.

I agree. Look upthread or downpage, my child and do not construe the musings of a pun thread for anything serious.

Edgy, bro.

Now playing

Gonna take this opportunity to plug my album of the year again: “Brutalism” by IDLES. It is a ferocious punk record and a great example of modern rock that sounds truly fresh.

The dude needs to chill out. I Sat By The Ocean once and it did wonders for me.

Does it really need a rating? Everybody Knows That Josh Is Insane.

My joking attitude up in the pun thread aside, I’m with you. Shit like that is way over the line and isn’t Rockstar Cute. It’s assault. Homme deserves what he has coming.

I know you’re with it Xanderpuss, but you’re not the one in the grays lighting me up for seemingly arguing that Homme isn’t as asshole for kicking a photographer.

(Once again, this is a pun thread. I’m not saying anything serious, especially in regards to someone getting kicked for no reason. Learn the ways a Kinja.)

(I agree, but this is a pun thread, a classic Kinja feature. Try to keep up and don’t read into them for deep meaning.)

Josh isn’t an asshole, he just views concert photographers as Villains for some reason.

It was like what happens after you smoke too much pot laced with coke.

Funny you say that. There was actually an Invisibles TV show in development years ago. It wound up falling apart before it went anywhere, but someone at some point looked at the series and thought “You know what? Maybe we COULD pull this off.”

I let my XM subscription lapse wayback in 08 when they got rid of the punk station in the merger. I have never regretted it. And with streaming now fully realized, does satellite radio even have an audience anymore beyond the long-haul trucker niche?

You get all the stars.