
It’s Goddamn scary how normalized this kind of crap has become. When I was a kid in the 80's and 90's, Flat Earthers and Moon Landing Deniers were the definition of fringe. The very invoking of either was a joke as both were symbols of utter stupidity. Nowadays (thanks, Internet), both have become “defensible”

*Bittersweet violin music*

Nah, just gothing it up. The show was at Hollywood Forever Cemetery, which has a big open area amongst the tomb stones that gets used as a venue sometimes.

Yep. They bring it live, which makes me happy because they were the first big “heavy” concert I ever went to back in the 90's.

Aaaaaand now I’m going to hell for laughing at that. Have a star, you glorious bastard.

Yep. They’ve aged really well. It doesn’t hurt that the group is made-up of pros.

Saw them at a cemetery show last year and yeah, they still have a good sized following.

Word. The “irrelevant” part is especially cute given that Garbage has nicely settled into the legacy band bracket in the last couple of years.

Further proof of why I love (in a non-creepy way!) Shirley Manson. She’s no bullshit and calls them how she sees them. Her FB feed is pretty unfiltered.

Pretty sure it’s Shirley. I follow both her and the official Garbage page on FB and there’s a lot of interplay and similarities between the two.

I didn’t know all you just mentioned, but I did know that the Best Friends Animal Society descended from the Process Church and it gives me a little giggle any time I see a bumper sticker or a billboard for them. I’ve actually been meaning to read that book on the Process Church for a while and I ought to just add it

I’ve tried that excuse myself, yet the judge still insisted on handing down that restraining order.

No worries. We know you’ll always show up in the end.

A gun she forgot to cock no less. Top level planning right there.

Helter Skelter is indeed the definitive Manson book, but I think Ed Sanders’ The Family is worth a read, especially the now out of print first edition, as long as you go into it knowing that there’s a lot of stuff you should take with quite a few grains of salt and a lot more that’s demonstrably bullshit. The Family

Are we sure that it was top men and not bottom men?

You’re not wrong. That’s a big reason why I bought the soundtrack on CD back when I was in high school.

“Another day, another dick!”

Yeah. I pilot shouldn’t be jerking his stick around like that.

I’m sure he’ll receive a stiff punishment.