Someone, somewhere is shitting a brick over this, I’m sure. My back-of-a-napkin calculations tell me that that’s easily over a quarter million dollars worth of weed.
Someone, somewhere is shitting a brick over this, I’m sure. My back-of-a-napkin calculations tell me that that’s easily over a quarter million dollars worth of weed.
I’ll tell you who: Total squares.
Fellow 81er here. Actually it depends on your metric. Some count millennials are bringing in 82, and I’ve seen a few go as late as 84. Really, I think the most fitting is the “Xennial” tag, which is a micro generation that runs 77-83. In short; analogue childhood, digital adulthood.
Good to hear. I’m of the “Likes Discovery” side of the Trek fandom, so I am pleased. Still kinda can’t grok why so many people are hostile towards Discovery or say that it doesn’t feel like Trek. Feels like Trek to me, but freshened up for modern television which, frankly, Trek needed. Voyager and Enterprise were…
So what you’re saying is thank he’s the Otm Shank of short stories.
Swing and a miss, dude. That wasn’t Nyong’o.
She and Janelle Monae need to do a superhero team up.
Posts like that show me why I’m just a poster and you’re the law talking guy.
Yeah... I can’t help but see Rebecca Sugar’s name on there and want to yell, “Who harassed you, Rebecca?! I’ll find them and destroy them!”
Nice! Have fun in Merry Ol’ England.
I’m kinda with you. You can’t really replace Tom Selleck. I feel much the same way about James Garner. Those dudes WERE those roles.
Night Gawker is back.
Dude! What are the names of your bands? They sound up my alley, especially the Rammstein.
Agreed all the way down. When one person doesn’t speak out, there’s something likely up with them. But when lots of people are compelled to be quite, you’re looking at a systemic issue, not simply faulty moral compasses.
I’m all too aware of what a boys club showbiz is, but deep in my heart I kind of wanted to believe animation was somehow different, my affection for cartoons being what it is. Alas, reality is a cruel thing. It’s distressing that sexual harassment is so bad in animation is so bad that the women it felt they had to…
Yeah. One in which Nazis would lose so hard that the boss Nazi would go so far as to shoot himself at the end. Wouldn’t that be something?
Try Walking in my Jack Boots.
The overall vibe I get from the goth scene now is more Witch House than the traditional Industrial, though that’s by no means gone.
I like you. Have a Star.
I’m a transient in the goth scene, but I run pretty deep in the punk/alt-rock/ska side of the tracks and yeah, it’s surprising, and heartening, to see how many younger people are down for the sound. It was kind of a trip how many young women came out for L7 when I saw them a couple years ago.