Like those who take the Black, I stand watch at the wall and await the return... of the fajita wrap.
Like those who take the Black, I stand watch at the wall and await the return... of the fajita wrap.
Awww, fuck man, I haven’t thought of the Arch Deluxe in years. I remember really liking it though. Not as much as Taco Bell’s fajita wraps, which they had for a few years in the 90's. I miss those everyday.
I’m definitely going to watch (don’t have time right this second, but I wanted to let you know that I got your post). I’ve been waiting for his reply and there’s certainly been enough people telling me where to stick it on this one that I very well could be in the wrong on my judgement of him.
Alright. I was waiting for his response. I’ll check it out.
I haven’t heard Fantano’s defense, but I do want to check it out. I wasn’t aware that it was up yet. I would like to be able to give him the benefit of the doubt and certainly enough people have been giving me what-for on this that I’m entertaining the possibility that I’m off base.
Hey now, different strokes and all that.
Side note: Don’t you love how one of the whiney “I’m totally not a Nazi” edgelords brings up Antifa in the screencaps? It’s a hoot how conservatives have turned Antifa into some kind of movement/mega-leftist boogyman army instead of the rather small, ragtag group of anarchists/anti-fascists it actually is. Hell, there…
Further: Even if the people who are offended by the advertising have money, you don’t want it to begin with.
Will be listening to this one for sure. I know Liam is seen as the lesser talent of the brothers, but he still knows how to just get down and rock.
Ich will... dance!
As stated elsewhere, it isn’t really the meme reviews I have a problem with (I get that irony and parody are the air we breath on the internet). I’m all ears if there’s a good explanation for the Sam Hyde/anti-SJW stuff.
I like the cut of you jib. You and me should party sometime.
This week’s listening includes: the new Wolf Alice, the new Primus, and a fuck load of Tom Petty.
Obligatory “Buttery Males.”
1) Appropriate name.
Totally a Maynard James Keenan side project.
Here’s an example where I can’t find a good defense: The video he does with the one guy who goes off about beating Lena Dunham. Look, I can understand not calling the guy out to his face. There have been plenty of times when I’ve just let someone spout their bullshit/edgy joke because it isn’t worth it to start…
As I’ve said to others, offer up the context the Fader piece is missing, because what is in it seems damming enough, and I’m not talking about the meme videos. His choice of company and his participation in edgelord anti-SJW videos are pretty big turn offs from where I’m standing.