
I laughed way, way too hard at the “pH levels in the jacuzzi” joke. That was my moment to hit pause and keep laughing my butt off.

Deplorables: Because “we’re ignorant dipshits who actually bought 100% into this con” is too many words.

Ah. That coverage got by me, then.

AV Club covering Screaming Females? Fuck yeah! One of the best bands out there right now.

I’ve got plenty of bands and artists I’ve come around on over the years, but amongst my hardest 180's were Garbage, Oasis, Lady Gaga, and My Chemical Romance. I ranged for “meh” to “bleh” on each of them at first, only to flip and become a mega-fan of them all.

Even in a sillier episode, the writers still find ways to cut close to the bone. Bojack’s admission that he didn’t want to talk to Diane until he was “better” was dead on for me. I’ve got several friends I haven’t spoken to in years for the same reason.

Unironic use of the term “virtue signaling” detected. Probability of Asshole: 96.7%.

Hell yes. Not enough love for The Maxx out there. It was very much an oddball artifact that could have only found cultural purchase in the 90's and it deserves more attention.

Like a lot of other, this episode hit hard. As I’ve said elsewhere on Kinja, Bojack Horseman and Pearl from Steven Universe are my spirit animals, and if you know what’s up with those two characters, you probably have, or at least recognize, depression. I’ve had issues with depression and, after intuiting it for

Eh, I wouldn’t hold hem to that. Pretty sure that idea is long dead and buried.

It’s a german name pronounced “fooks” that often gets anglicized to “Fox” (which is what the word actually translated to in english).

I’m a pretty big fan of Robotech and, honestly, I’m not feeling a movie adaptation. Maybe the trailer and subsequent movie will wow me if and when it happens, but I’d much rather have Harmony Gold get their shit together and actually give the series a proper ending. Alas, Harmony Gold has so little goodwill left after

Some people ship Camp Pining Hearts, others ship Disney movies.

Turns out, Mystery Girl really into Little Mermaid roleplay.

Man, this episode was so good... but not as good as mermaid puss!

Whatever the case, he deserves to be Nobody’s Hero.

Dig deep enough in the Conservo-sphere and you learn that Climate Change is a secret plan to achieve communism after the fall of the Soviet Union proved that it couldn’t be done by traditional means. “Green is the new red” they say.

Unwilling to Stick It Out, he heeded the Distant Early Warning and took all his Big Money and zoomed away in a Red Barchetta. No show of Bravado for this New World Man.

I feel like the usual “hang in there/be strong” bromides are inadequate and probably not what’s you want to hear anyways. Just... well, other humans out there feel for you and hope everything works out.

“... smothered by prostitutes.”