It’s bigger on the inside!
It’s bigger on the inside!
“Listen you little punk: One day I’m gonna find you, gouge your eyes out and make you eat them so you can watch me kick your ass!”
N.W.H. have something to say about this:
I lucked out. My Grandpa, if you can believe it, was into video games and had been since the days of Intelevision. With his ample disposable income, he racked up an impressive NES, SNES and N64 collection over the years. That meant that I got to play whatever he had on my visits and more than a few of his cast offs…
Shine on, you crazy diamond.
I hope they do too, but I don’t look forward to the inevitable nerd rage that would ensue is Nintendo were to dare to put her as the star of a full blown Legend of Zelda game. “Nintendo is only doing this because of PC SJW yadayaydayada...!!!” You know what i’m talking about.
Oh really? “PC Hulk” would like a word...
I KNEW I couldn’t be the only one who saw the similarity. I have but one star to give, but know that it is yours.
Fewer people than this article lets on, but they're out there (check Facebook). Plus, the guy who started all this is sincere. His name is Josh Feuerstein and he is a legit crazy-pants fundamentalist Christian Vlogger who has a sizable internet following. There are some pretty good videos that take apart his various…
As a guy who thinks curly hair is awesome on women, YOU DO YOU, GIRL. Fuck the haters.
Went to high school in the 90’s and yeah, I’m so glad that me and my peers lived in a time when our various idiocies and indiscretions could vanish into obscurity instead of being documented for adults/the Internet to discover.
Preach it.
You have an investor in me, that’s for sure.
“It’s like RAAA-EEEE-AAAAIIIN...!”
File under: “Nice Things; Why we can’t have.”
That’s not how I remember it...
“This one always cracks me up: everygeneration has had the exact same complaint about their contemporaneous cars since, at a guess, at least 1915.”
And sounding like Local H ain’t a bad thing... Yeah, I’m a 90’s guy if you couldn't tell. ;-)
I consider Make Yourself decent and I’m not embarrassed to have it in my collection, but I can’t help but look at it as the start of Incubus’s slide into being a pop act. True story, I actually turned my ex off of Incubus by turning her on to S.C.I.E.N.C.E. She was your typical California girl who liked Make Yourself…
I’m no One Direction fan, but if that happened, I’d check it out.