
I had the good fortune to be working at a studio a couple years before Changling came out and came across the script in producer's read-script bin. I'm a JMS fan, so I snagged it and took it home. A couple neat things about it: First, it is exactly what you saw on screen. A couple of scenes were trimmed, but

Are we talking Orphan Black Michael Mando or Better Call Saul Michael Mando? Because they'll get very different results.

Tail Spin: Solid, but not Duck Tales.

I have a name for this: "getting gringoed." Happens to me at Asian and Mexican restaurants (hence the term gringo). The places that don't do that to me and take me seriously when I ask for "very spicy" continue to get my business.

I'm with you. I'm a curious American who has heard good things about ketchup flavored chips.

Or, as I like to think of it, the comic equivalent of 64 slices of American cheese…

I'll be honest: I was a fan of the Ace Man for a long time, but fuckin' A, Carolla has turned into such a ranty old man.


My favorite commies.

"The album is only about a man's slide into a mire of depression and self-loathing, culminating in his suicide, ma'am."

Once upon a time, many many moons ago, I was naive enough to believe that the Green Party could be a viable 3rd party and, living in a solidly blue state, didn't see the harm in voting for them so that they could meet the threshold for federal matching funds. I've never apologized for this choice. Never voted for them

Hey now, you guys have been putting out some good rock music lately (Drenge, IDLES, Wolf Alice, etc). Don't undersell that.

Once again, Disgruntled Goat, you have your moments. Have an upvote.

Dammit, you're right.

"But, but…ISIS throws gay people off of rooftops!" -your asshole cousin on Facebook.

The only badge worth getting, honestly.

"Urge to kill… rising…" is quickly becoming my favorite Simpsons quote.

I swear to God, getting friended by family is the fastest way to screw up one's Facebook experience.

Since you're laying the recs on me, I'll return the favor: I'm listening to a lot of stuff coming out of the U.K. Right now as they have a pretty thriving rock scene. I recommend Drenge and Wolf Alice if you want some straight alt-rock. Both have clear 90's DNA without feeling self consciously retro. And if you want

When and why did this turn happen? My teen and college years (coastal California) were replete with Sublime and they were seminal if you grew up out here. They were pretty close to universally beloved in all the crowds I ran with, and wider culture seemed to like them or at worst be indifferent to them. But the last