
You crack me up. You really, really do.

They did not Entertain You, it seems.

I see someone never Turned Their Radio On.

Did you Stay for the whole thing?

I still consume a significant amount of new music, but I have to work at it and put effort into discovering bands and artists that work for me (the U.K. is killing it these days if you're into alt rock, btw). But yeah, the 90's is, for me, the last great era of music wherein I could groove on the bulk of what was

I graciously accept your upvotes and will keep it in mind the next time I'm playing Downward is Heavenward (I love all their albums, but as I count DiH as one of my top tier, all time, desert island albums, so it gets the most play).


No you may not. Placebo's output, especially in the late 90's-mid 00's was pretty strong, rising above the usual post-grunge wannabe stuff.

Replace "might" with "definitely."

Dude, then you weren't listening to the right stuff. There was a lot of great alternative in the mid-90's, especially out of Illinois (Hum, Local H, Smashing Pumpkins), the UK (the Britpop scene), not to mention continued quality output from loads artists established in the early 90's. Don't dismiss the whole era just

I guess I'll have to keep waiting for a Shakespeare's Sister reunion, then.

So true. And yet, it's so obvious sometimes that's i just can't compute how people fall for it.

I rip on Jones frequently and often wonder how people can get so sucked into his message, especially with him hawking woo-y supplements. Like, how can anyone take this shit seriously? The names for the supplements alone are a joke. Even if they're rather conventional supplements, the fact that they have these silly

I'd been growing steadily more weary of conspiracy theories in the decade after 9/11, but yeah, Sandy Hook kicked it to a whole new level. I went from weary to completely DONE. I pretty much wrote a friend off when he started espousing Sandy Hook truther-nonsense.

I'm inclined to give Linklater the kinda-sorta benefit of the doubt. He and Jones are both big personalities in Austin and they move in the same what-passes-for-celebrity circles there. Jones may have just been an "interesting personality" for Linklater to use. Further, he hasn't used Jones in years, like over a

… And don't even get me started on Beyoncé fans!

Yeah, I found this a downright cathartic read. I despise Trainor's music for the reasons he touches on, most of all that it's exactly the Kidz Bop, Nick Jr. garbage he calls it out as. Reading someone say what I've thought feels like vindication. I have friends that like her music and I'm always keeping my mouth shut

Addendum: Chances are you'll enjoy this as much as I did.

I'm not one to hold one leaning right against someone or get wrapped up in what celebrities say/think, but when Corgan (who still owns that teahouse, btw) started kicking it with Alex Jones and called Anderson Cooper a "globalist," it was a bit "ugggggh, no Billy… but of course, Billy," moment for me. It seemed

That's no mere accident. Pearl's my avatar for a reason. ;-)