
To quote Chris Rock, "… but I understand."


Hey, at least that guy was kicking out some sound political theory.

Damn right you should. The local diner is the center of the culinary universe by my yard stick.

Fuckin' A, that's the salient image of our age right there. Copyright it, put it on a flag, and start a movement.

It's a pleasure even to just read it. For more pleasure, check out this video of a sovereign citizen getting tased!…

I'm very appreciative of how civil the AV Club comments sections are. I don't see any of that entitled fan foolishness here.

It is. A nice, easy to pick up, light RPG.

I only had a PS3 for about a year (have had a 360 for ages), so I'm not even fully up to speed on the last generation. So many Metal gear games I have to get through! And yet, the new gen is a knocking… Damn you technological progress and voracious consumerism!

*Sigh* Between this and Horizon: Zero Dawn, it's becoming clear that I'm going to have to pony up and get a PS4.

Call me a sucker, but I honestly didn't see the Ruby heel-turn coming. The first part of the episode really came off like they were going to dive into Lapis' depression. Her distrust of incredulity and happiness is a common feature of depression and I pegged the episode for one of those patented SU "let's talk about

Scratch "will be" and replace it with "already are." Seen some Zuke-hate already on FB on one of the SU fan pages I follow. For a show about peace, love, and alien rock lesbians, SU sure attracts a surprising number of entitled, jack ass fans.

I honestly didn't because of the kind of show SU is. I thought we were going to get a lesson about depression via Lapis. As the episode went along, I kept thinking it'd end up with Lapis feeling weird and guilty about her disapproval of Ruby's loving nature, her taking off to be alone and then Steven giving her some

I do not ship, but that moment was "D'awwww, Lapidot confirmed," for me.

"I overheard… two girls singing "Do it for Her" in the hallway and discussing why Connie is the best."

Man, that's a possibility I don't want to think about. It's bad enough that the angry-shippers who've had it out for Zuke are now getting their way, regardless of whether or not the Lapidot stuff had anything to do with Zuke's leaving.

It's the cutest ones that are always the most evil… My ex for instance.

I will never rest easy until I have the completion of the Pearl/Mystery Girl arc, dammit!

Same. She gave us that episode*, so for that, she will have my eternal support… plus, screw all those whiney shippers who've had it out for Zuke.

Wait, you ever stopped?