
You know, I hadn't even though of the show's growing comfort with its weightiness until you mentioned it, but you're right. "Why won't you let me do this for you Rose?" didn't strike me a too on-the-nose at the time, but in retrospect it is, isn't it? But then, that's part of what makes Steven Universe so special. It

It's only a matter of time until I make Futurama reference, your holiness.

EVERY show would be improved by the presence of Klingons.

Side thought: Was anyone else reminded of the Star Trek: TNG episode "Family," by this episode? Both essentially exist so that a character can process a major life trauma they'd recently experienced (in "Family's" case, Picard's assimilation by the Borg and his participation in the massacre of numerous Star Fleet

I really appreciated the way the tied the events in this episode into his underlying issues with Rose, and I think we're still early in the process of Steven dealing with his feelings towards his mother. I sense a reckoning coming.

I'd like to think that if Mr. Roger's were still around, he'd approve of Steven Universe as the show is reflective of his own belief in genuine goodness and in his not talking down to kids.

This was one of my favorite episodes yet. First, on a purely textual level, it was nice to see Steven's guilt over Bismuth, Jasper and Eyeball addressed. You know he had it in him as a character, and it was only a matter of time before it would evidence itself. And of course, lurking beneath it all is Rose Quartz.

Awww man, anyone can do that…

The whole water-into-wine thing is what I want to know. I gotta party this Saturday and it'd be a handy trick.

Watched it. Enjoyed it. Want more.

Still gotta catch Under the Skin.

P.T. Anderson is one of the best filmmakers we have right now, so if anyone is coming close to Kubrick, it's him. His movie Inherent Vice is another one you let wash over you, though it's a MUCH different beast than 2001. Not so much a painting to be deciphered but rather some killer weed you inhale and let permeate

Exactly. 2001 has more room for viewer interpretation than people are used to and it throws some people. It makes the movie have more in common with experimental film than a conventional Hollywood movie. I often liken it to a painting. You can't just watch what's happening, you have to absorb the images themselves.

That feeling of "the alien" 2001 evokes it part of what makes it so special. An article on Cracked a while back suggested that, in a way, 2001 rendered all sci-fi to come as irrelevant by so perfectly creating that sensation. Certainly the genre has never captured the feeling of "the alien" again quite so well. It

Talisman is a good word for it. 2001 is one of those rare works that seems genuinely bigger than itself. Sometime when I watch it it doesn't even really feel like a movie but a message from the future sent back through time in movie form… There's a sci-fi novel in that idea if anyone wants to take it.

The short answer is that 2001 is about the evolution of humanity, which sounds pretty obvious given the events of the movie. But what makes 2001 special (more than special; jaw dropping) is the way it packs this theme into the movie with tremendous density. The use of framing, with lots of progressive shots, the

There's so many things I could say this about (especially albums), but just off the top of my head I'd say 2001: A Space Odyssey. I was into sci-fi movies as a kid and I took many runs at 2001 growing up, but I'd usually fall asleep towards the end. Then as a teenager I made it through. I liked it, I could tell you in

Pearl Evangelist Sheltie: Raising the bar of Pearl Fandom for the rest of us.

The appeal is to get another take on it, to see what elements another person saw that maybe you missed or didn't think were as important.

Also: If we ever meet Greg's dad, please let him be voiced by Jeff Bridges.