
I've been waiting to see what Dracula really looks like. I know he takes human form, but is he stuck with that form? Also, been waiting to see his true horror. The way he's been shown so far isn't all that horrifying.

I don't think these story lines will be wrapped up by the end of the season.

Vanessa, Vanessa, Vanessa, I am so disappointed by her. How could she just fall for Dracula's lies especially when she knows he's a seducer? A couple of points of interest. One, on the boat, Kaetenay asks Ethan and Sir Malcolm if Vanessa knows of things not of this world. At the same time, they both answer yes, a bit

Used to think the grudge Ethan had against his father was based on the father passing down the wolfman gene. Guess that wasn't it. The new theory, Kaetenay cursed Ethan into becoming a wolfman. Perhaps if these two make amends while fighting evil in London, Kaetenay will reverse the curse.

Perhaps the writers (there were two for this episode) wanted a way for Dorian to sympathize with Victor. They could have met anywhere, but having them together at Dorian's house showed Dorian just how wackadoodle Lily and her followers are. Dorian is clearly over the women shall rise and destroy bandwagon. In the

Anyone notice Vanessa's appearance has changed since S1? She used to dress entirely in black. She wears more colors now and is quite stylish. Even her hair is different. It's in a soft, pinned bob . She looks beautiful.


If she was killed so easily, could it mean she was not much of a serious threat?

Just a lovely, sweet character.

Malcolm is a tough one. Keep in mind, he also pulled the trigger when it came time to kill his daughter Minna.

Dorian went along with Lily's plan until it was no longer fun. Wouldn't it be great if she could be turned back into Brona?

Did you watch The Night Manager? Thought it started out good, sagged, then got a little better at the end. Hugh Laurie is something else.

Glad I'm not the only one whose attention was drawn to their plates. In an earlier post, I commented that Hecate was chowing down on the food on her plate, while the tension at the table was thick. Looked like prime rib with corn on the cob. Yum.

If Dr. Seward was an ally of Sweet/Dracula, there would be no need to rely on Renfield for information about Vanessa

Is there a union for these workers?

Was thrilled to see Lyle in the episode, but then quite disappointed hearing about his trip to Cairo. Hope it's not a permanent stay. Anyone know if Simon Russell Beale, the actor who plays him, is committed to another program? Danny Sapani, who played Sembene, left PD to appear on the show The Bastard Executioner,

If Clare joined in, my guess is it would be to defend Vanessa. Just as memories of his family appeared, I am going to think other memories will come, possibly of his fondness for Vanessa.

How could an army of ladies of the night compare with the forces of evil?

So Sweet, in talking about the bat, said something about the Earth wet with blood? Isn't that the same line Catriona used when she told Vanessa the history of Dracula? That Dracul wanted the Earth wet with blood?

A little too arrogant, but he was a dog with a bone, never going to give up. What, he and Ostow were going to tie up, control all those people (one of which is a wolfman) and get them back to England? And on top of that, Rusk has one arm. That's arrogance.