
Politics Corner - The Inspector General released his report today. It wasn’t a game changer, because we already knew about most of its conclusions. It correctly attacked Comey for violating FBI protocol with his statements on the Hillary e-mail investigation, first in July, then again in late October. The violations

Queer cops can come as individual people not in uniform. Uniformed cops should not be at Pride.

Okay, so the article that is linked is awful and transohobic, but there is a huge conversation right now in-community about genital preferences being transphobic and makes you a terf and it is almost exclusively directed towards lesbians and trans women woth penises and amab nb people and that needs to be discussed.

LGBTQ+ is what I use.

I mean, lesbians are women who are interested in women and are unavailable to men. Lesbianism isn’t focused solely on women with vaginas. Some women have dicks. But cool, get terfy.


Also, I am sick of asexual people highjacking my meme groups because they claim everything is ACE Erasure. Not having sex is not an identity and it definitely is not a thing you have to fight for, nor does anyone ever hurl Ace slurs out the window of cars at them.

Yup. I am a straight transwoman (I’m attracted to men for those confused people out there.) but I’ve had basically the same experience on a regular basis. Guy finds out my configuration, says “oh... no... I can’t dig that.” The response is “Well... fuck. Okay, have a good night!”

A TERF is not someone who won’t sleep with someone who has a penis. A TERF is someone who argues our gender identity is invalid, we’re mentally ill and should not be included in women’s rights, groups or events. TERFs are actively harmful and work against the Trans community.

While threats of violence are never

You know what? I call bullshit on this. This isn’t “a thing.” It is frustration, anger and othering taking a damn toll. And it rarely happens. When it does happen, it isn’t some kind of “default state.”

Friend had a similar experience when she walked back to her car last year after the parade. Some men began following her and saying trans slurs. Some cops actually stepped in, shut it down and made sure she got to her car safely. A very welcome surprise.

Yes, there are terrible trans people that do hate and want to hurt lesbians that don’t sleep with them, but their views aren’t in line with the rest of us.

Exactly. There are plenty of LGBT police officers and allies on police forces. And it’s the cops who keep the religious psychos from doing something horrible because they think God told them it’s okay. This article was fun until that disgusting ending.

I’m black, I’m queer, and I want police protection.

Maybe the term terf is being applied not just to people with certain genital preferences, but to people who are actively trying to fight against part of the LGBT community?

Because your faux outrage and bigoted concern trolling have no place in an inclusive, queer, feminist space.

Strange. Both you and the thread author claim that it is about discrimination against women who don’t want to have sex with anyone with a penis, and then halfway down it suddenly turns into a bunch of bullshit about how transgender people aren’t real and children shouldn’t be taught about trans issues. Maybe the term

We’ve been seeing those “Punch a TERF” signs here too. However, most trans people I know are horrified by them.

That’s why my algebra teacher insisted “show your work.”

I don’t have any problem with Mon-El, but I do think we’re at a point where Melissa Benoist’s relationship with Chris Wood - or rather, the show’s insistence that the character must stick around - is affecting the show adversely.

Right, every single character on that show was disposable, except for Jack. If you were lucky, you got a silent clock to mark your passing. But Jack was shot, shocked, poisoned, drowned, had his heart stopped, and everything else in the book, but just kept popping up like a cartoon character.