I’m actually a woman which is different from you “an asexual born without sexual organs” so I don’t have a dick.
I’m actually a woman which is different from you “an asexual born without sexual organs” so I don’t have a dick.
Buddy, we’ve been over this. This is a private website. They don’t have to host your bizarre fantasies of being a hot chick who gets pounded by black dudes and is loved (but not like that - you don’t want to be Ivanka) by your daddy who is also Trump.
It’s a lie because you’re here and why despite spending the past two hours here you didn’t post a pic in the five minutes given. You lie to yourself and tell yourself Obama’s going to jail (he’s not), Trump is a patriot (5-time draft-dodger) and that your daddy loves you (doubtful).
weird. it’s almost like people are tired of a meandering relentlessly grimdark slog.
No, because none of those are true.
Never happened. Because you wouldn’t post a picture. And you already said you’re “an asexual born without sexual organs”.
He’s a five-time draft-dodger.
What’s a draft?
Why would I twitch? Because you have gay fantasies of being pounded by big black dudes? That’s pretty much what I expect of a lot of male Trumpists.
Do you know what a draft is? What war was happening when Obama was between 18-25 and what draft was going on?
Buddy, you lie about dumb shit, you worship a draft-dodging fuckwit, you think asexuals are people with sexual organs and that “inlogical”is a word.
No, that’s why I said post it with a sign with my name. You know that. You can’t do it in the five minutes I gave you and you can’t stand the fact that you’ve been called out on your very stupid lie.
I guess photoshopping yourself into looking like a woman in less than 5 minutes would be tough. Especially as an “asexual born without sexual organs” which, btw is both the funniest and dumbest thing you’ve said and that phrase had a lot of competition.
So your dad is like Trump which means he inherited his wealth, needed his daddy to bail him out, cheated on your mom, got into a custody war for you but gave you back because he didn’t want you (like Donald Jr), slapped you down like the bitch you wished you were (like Donald Jr), sexually harassed you as a child and…
Remember when Trump dodged the draft five times?
But you put your vagina with a tampon in it on the internet? According to you?
True, a Russian would be smarter than you.
But you said you’ve already done so? Of your vagina even? So were you lying??????
lol QAnon. Do you tell them about how you really want to be a woman and pretend to be one?
So the Russians are involved (because Kerry let them in) but they’re not involved with Trump? Then how are they in?