
Seriously Kelly, can you start a monthly review column because I would be so down with that. I got hooked on this series from the post you make about Nine Rules this summer. Clearly we jive when it comes to reading tastes, and there's a reason I bought an ereader: to load it chock full of happy, sappy goodness.

My vote is for Clive Owen for Cormoran. Can't think of anyone for Robin off the top of my head.

My only hope is that Dora is robbing her blind.

Uh... on the off chance that you're not actually trolling me... maybe this will help.

Say I'm an employee at a toy manufacturer in China, the official one who is going to make Disney/Marvel's dancing Groot toy. Six months before the movie comes out, Disney/Marvel comes to my boss and says 'We'd like 100,000 dancing

One of her "favorite things" is her own book. Never change, Oprah. Never change.

I was pretty young when I first saw this video. It gave me feelings that I didn't have names for yet.

Now playing

Cradle of Love is high on the list of "Random Songs that Entered My Head and Now I Must Listen to Them." I was 13 when I first saw this video. Oh, classic MTV.

Same. I remember being super bummed way back when Moe left.

I used to tell people that I wrote media tie-in novels, until my girlfriend explained to me that most people don't know what a"media tie-in" is. Now I explain that I write books and short stories based on popular movies, TV shows, and comic books. Even still, there are misconceptions.