
MMOs. I have a friend who is really into those, and so I tried one that was free and just didn't get it.
Granted, I am a guy who likes the emphasis in video games to be placed on story and fun gameplay as opposed to just hours of "content." Running around and completing random tasks and busy work for stoic NPCs while

Further evidence that the Mushroom Kingdom's political strife is all a facade for the publicity and ad potential.
Peach and King Koopa probably settled the abduction issues decades ago, staging them ever since.

Oooooh Nonono. Please, you misunderstand me. I'm drawing comparisons between the two. Granted, I have not played Watch Dogs, but what I have looked at clearly doesn't seem to be nearly as bad as it is in GTA V.

Holy shit, the misogyny in this game seems like it can get unbearable quick.
I know that it probably won't bother many, but childish attempts at M-rated maturity always pulls me out of the immersion.
I get that GTA V is a technical marvel. That's why the finished product is such a shame and a waste.

How about the other "Thinker?"

Or at least Deep Thought!
Perhaps Eddie?
Then again, this is just for the 60's

Oh, and I guess @$&# the books at this point.
Not that I mind

I got nuthin'. What a mess. Realtors gonna be pissed.
See ya next season, you revealing psychopath, you. I knew the classic Hannibal was deep down somewhere.

The Lord commanded it, this time.

Lester is now pretty much a psychopath. And I can't look away!

Sooooo much happening. Wow. I personally found the hallucination sequence to be the most unsettling scene. Gore and macabre I can deal with. A subdued Mads on the other hand…

Good article. I concur. The DLC did phenomenal leg work wrapping up the character of Elizabeth in a conclusive and satisfying manner.
I understand that many were rubbed the wrong way with the small scale of the story, but I think it was the best way for the narrative to do something meaningful instead of indulgent.

Goddamn, it is somewhat hard to not sympathize with the pitiful sap. There is something evil and corrupt residing within, but what is exactly to blame for this? CAN anything truly be put to blame?
I really can't wait to see where Lester's arc takes us.

I was half expecting Malvo to drill a hole into the skull of a cheery Glenn Howerton, but I guess the monster still sees future usefulness in his blithering pet.

Yeah, the idea of Fat Monica being a punch line also bothered a friend of mine to the point where he does not like Friends. His reasoning is insightful though, stating that it's bizarre how it is a joke that Courtney Cox is now fat, but the show never takes jibes at Cox being a twig, due to its (apparent) normalcy.

Still think they are tanking it.

Featuring: Expected evil nerd stereotypes with the origins spawned from playing the violent shoot em ups and their Star Trekking

Not sure if I blinked and missed it, but what body did they use for Freddie? I guess any corpse would do, and I also suppose that others might be in on it too? I don't know.

"But is there something gooey, adhesive, and sinister within that white, fluffy exterior, Will?
The inner mallow of a killer?"

That's… rather underwhelming.