what you posted is it done right. What i posted is it done wrong way way way wrong.
what you posted is it done right. What i posted is it done wrong way way way wrong.
clearly it had a much stronger will to live than ours did.
dont forget the old chrysler minivans who would willingly grenade transmissions every 20k miles or so. think our 92 or 96, went through at least 3 that i remember.
The chevy malibu maxx. How to take a car that didnt look half bad and turn it into something like the Aztec. The horror... the horror. How anyone could actually purchase this car thinking it was a good idea, let alone the designers that felt the insane need to slap a hatchback onto a car not styled for it at all...…
Needs more up elevator..
how long till theres a knockoff version i can buy?.... too soon?
who needs music at 7k rpm?
Well... it has a subaru engine (doesnt it?) so it would still sound pretty good.
We here in the USA all skilled for AMARR... just saying.
not enough lift.. liftoff looks totally..... odd.
and no plywood either if i remember.
Id vote this as pretty epic. Sitting too long is bad for you anyway.
hate you... so much.
yeah very partisan... parts of them here parts of them there.
yeah very partisian... parts of them here parts of them there.
yeah very partisan... parts of them here parts of them there.
Diesel civic... make it happen................IN THE USA FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.
Thats because I think everyone in OKC is unemployed.