
I think he just had sex with both her and the car... and then her again.

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Honda pilot commercial. Because I really want to see a totally happy family participating on a road trip. No... I dont. I dont care how awesome YOUR family is.

so bookmarking this

How hard is it to park a car with the wheel base of a postage stamp?

I like how the face is blurred out.... until she gets out of the car.

shit my wrx gets 26ish on premium (on non wintertires)

Havnt been paying attention to the russian videos lately have you...

What the hell does being American have to do with anything?

Attack of the bro-trucks.

LOLowpro am I right?

no no it really does. Me + icy onramp + altimax arctics []

all seasons = ok in all seasons

brofist <3 E>

Tires always make the difference.

Dont knock white though :) Want some gold wheels sigh.

Cause it wont lol.

I approve of this article. We havnt had enough friggin snow at all for me to do any this season so far :(

Mythbusters actually tested that. It does indeed work. It showed a distinct increase in the force generated by the tires before they lost grip.

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Me watching this guy in a 350z try and get up an onramp... and fail. He probably had all seasons at best.

<3 clicky for that one. Had my coworkers rolling.