
Is this a rebadged r8?

coupe looks terrible. 19" wheels on a car this small looks terrible and just adds un-needed weight and mass.

@Jones Foyer: nothing toyota has. too bad for honda there are a shit ton better options for people than the Si

@fuhteng: They just need the blessing of forced induction.

Can I put a self destruct in mine? Remotely triggered by mobileme. Forget wiping it, I want to melt the jerkoffs hands/head/crotch that stole it.

Meh I'll keep my grandfathered unlimited data plan.

@Variatas: flight sim whatever the last one was... 2009? Had an f/a-18 that you could fly.

@hagren: starting out maybe its pretty piss poor. maybe not THAT poor, but its pretty bad.

@Timstuff: I heard jesus saves... after every level.

@Mekkakat: So they are the apple version of game devs heh.

@dnadns: heh $2 for something to try and see if it works is a bargain compared to 40+

@MDog: So basically dark age of camelots combat system then.

@Elhigh: Run the city less financially retarded and not have to resort to tactics like mentioned in the story?

Y0u had me till the engine bay... what the hell.

@cowboyhugbees: you didnt qualify weither that had to be virtually productive or reality productive.

@zizzixx: It would work too if they could get the gauss over 9000. Jesus needs a higher power level.

@Link2187: needs more magnets i think.