
@skraelingshortbus: gah it wont let me edit. Should add I live in Saint Louis.

I probably get someone riding my ass on the highway or revving at me at least once a month.

@VicVinegar: yeah.... first rule of working in a lab... dont eat anything from the lab.

@rxe7en: I fully endorse this action.

I am seeing a distinct lack of sammich making going on here.

@Sapper: I don't see may M's floating around here.

( Gmail noticeably is slower than on a MacBook Pro)

@emschaub: im shocked people use the sanger 3730's still.

@icelight: our per bp cost is cheap as heck, but overall its pricey.

No... the ease with which this tool got ahold of the information... should scare you.

@icelight: you mean two addition to the 20grand in reagents heh.

So what kind of read length and accuracy are we talking about here? 250 for a chip is actually pretty cheap. Go check the prices for an illumina flowcell or 454 pico titre plate heh.

You could almost say these people are kicking it........ with style.

@tenazrael: this is job security for the IT guys.

@Gaston: star trek warp drive amiright?

@Ricorich196: shes got some oxidation going on up there.

@A strolling player: no its not. my point being its bloody hard to "hit a corner smoothly" with flipping thumb sticks.