
Add this to the wii please. Motion control is worthless without feedback.

@xaronax: Someone starts shining this at me... I retaliate with high velocity lead. It may not travel as fast as light, but makes a bigger impact :)

"not touching the materials you work with."

Just from watching the commercials I could tell this thing was crap. It looked hard to use, the info presented was cluttered and unorganized.

@dennis636223: but then something even better will be along after that... what a dilemma.

I always seem to end up being a paragon, I cant help but being a nice guy... to those that deserve it though. I wouldn't hesitate to off a murderer though.

@dennis636223: You will be waiting for a long long time then.

As soon as they announce something officially. Such as there was a design flaw, or its just a software thing, or we are fixing it. I'll probably get one. I didnt' get the 3g when it first dropped and generally for this kind of thing never do.

Awesome and scary, Ive followed wicked lasers website for a few years (never bought one though).

Ill stick to my big screen tv thanks.

@m_9: yes.... yes they do. I could hear nothing but those friggin horns. I missed the chanting :(

@Ridley: I demand you say verizon version five times fast!

Need more pc awards :(


Heaven forbid this schmuck try and test drive a vehicle with a manual transmission... that would surely only end in tears.

@ExZ: Only a pretty picture does not a simulation make.

4.0.2 will stop the 3G from running like shit on io4... allegedly.

This isn't intel or any companies fault. Africa has been a mess far longer than technology has existed.