
A point I actually agree with. Very well said.

Cpu cooler thats actually worse than a stock intel one? wow.

@CiremoIV: Not the entire time, it wasn't that bad. And well.... its a ship you kinda expect that to an extent anyway in narrow corridors. Open spaces would be boring (and easy).

Ok so the first game was kinda like "Event horizon" with more monsters. Which actually was pretty awesome. It was shiny and polished with not a lot of bugs. The UI was great and minimal. First play through was Creepy I think I walked most of the first half with just my gun ready up.

Independance day was... what 10 years ago? You used that as a reference seriously? Come on.

@wætherman: That and as of late chinese employees seek early termination.

@jinxman: She needs to go back to her undergrad and relearn scientific method :)

Someone really didn't look too hard did they.

@blue_solace: So the constant bitching about ATT you see in reviews... is a good thing? I'm confused.

Ill play it if it just "feels" right.

@Hi-Im-Asylum: I always go ranged dps/sniper so I'm used to running for my life and or hiding.

Ze goggles, they do nothing!

Waiting for reception tests!

@grumbel: I am curious about the layout inside on this thing.

@Thut: Is it weird that if it were like the original red/blue gameboy games... I would play the shit out of this?

@Pandaman: Oh god... loved that game.

This, [Real life multiplayer] has always been N's strong suit. Goldeneye anyone?

@bowen13: Other than basspro. (have family in OKC)