
@ sucks!: Was meant to be a little tounge in cheek, but ah well.

@buckets78: If people only played mmos for pvp then WoW wouldn't have been so successful I don't think.

I usually have little to say and this won't be any different.

@igorPL: people still do jobs they hate, how is this any different?

@GimmeCat: Clearly you never played Dark Age of Camelot. One of the few mmos that actually got pvp right. Well till mythics retarded management ruined the game.

Would be it be too much to ask to just release a basic game, with some decent features and then for the love of god, just sell song expansions?

@Piata: Ive been pining over my brothers gibson, too bad I need to actually learn how to play haha.

People play this game?

Is it sad I still find the free games it came with to be pretty good?

@The Forgetful Brain: Probably because the n64 version is in my opinion so much better heh.

Now where the fuck is episode 3?

Lets hear it for a business bullying a kid heh. This can only end poorly for them.

goodness, almost thought I was seeing a bloody trailer for ironman2.

@Kulprit442: getting out on the highway is dangerous as all hell though. I dunno what I would have done myself.

@Baby beater Benz: Don't forget the lift kit, aerodynamics are for pussys.

Clearly you guys misunderstand. The tank is right side up, everything else is wrong!

I had vistia, I didnt have any problems with it. It was what my laptop shipped with.