
@Turboner: Because we are driving "sporty" cars and are therefore dangerous malcontents.

@CJinSD: How much of the look is compromised due to aerodynamic requirements?

Horrid. Absolutely horrid. I could not honestly think of a worse way to die other than possibly drowning.

Someone else blaming their problems on the USA.... no way! Who would have thought.

Mission Accomplished!

I want one :(

@SeanKHotay: yeah, the roads were bone dry 48 seconds before this.

Ugh thats a sound one never forgets.

I heard you like wings so I put a plane on your.... ah forget it.

wow, actually a nice lookin sedan there. Well played kia.

I want, but can't afford :(

I consider acuras overpriced to shit for what you get anyway. Not to mention the looks of the newers to me have taken a steeep nose dive into a bed of punji sticks.

@homeslice60148: Every thing I have read on motorcycles said "its not if you will crash, but when"

@Baby beater Benz: The best thing that could happen to the SHO is to drop about 1,000lbs. God that thing is such a pig heh.

@smokyburnout: Id prefer it to be hidden so when it lets go... at least I may stand a chance :)

Confirming airbag to face does not taste good.

All this chrome is actually making my squint, it is so physically painful to look at this car.

I dunno, I saw a toyota echo with a fart can yesterday... which kinda made me throw up in my mouth a little.