If you think the Book of Mormon mocked your religion you either didn't get it or should give it another chance. That was not the message of that play at all..
If you think the Book of Mormon mocked your religion you either didn't get it or should give it another chance. That was not the message of that play at all..
You might want to have a look at those figures again. Trying to pin this on just one issue, like access to mental healthcare as you have or videos games like the NRA just did, cheapens the reality of the situation. Sure, the kid needed help, but he also shouldn't have had easy access to firearms in the first place.
Someone has clearly never watched.. every other sitcom on television and the entire lineup on MTV
Yes, how dare someone have a set of standards that they'd hold a potential significant other to!! As a woman, she should just be happy that a man is paying attention to her, and trying to save her from spinsterhood.
It's an interesting concept but it has some hurdles to cross before it's feasible. But it's not faster than the Illumina (in theory), it just allows for whole molecule sequencing as opposed to small reads that need to be reassembled after sequencing. There's two other time bottlenecks they aren't mentioning in this…
Entitled? Wanting a complete product qualifies as entitled?
While I agree with you Brian, I think the OP meant that an article showing off the sometimes extreme sexualization of women that can occur in gaming culture is counter productive to movement to make gaming less of a boys club. Having said that, since OP doesn't seem to want to make this point on his own, I'm not…
You aren't alone in hating Fedex. Last year I had to ship a pair of glasses back home in order to have new lenses put in. I shipped it Fedex (cheaper, first warning sign) in a padded envelope and that inside a small box. When it arrived, the box was completely crushed, and the titanium frame glasses were in small…
Thank you for posting this editorial. While I normally like to consider myself more socially aware than some of my peers, this has really helped me to see certain aspects of gaming culture in a new context.
I think what happened is obvious. Ezio clearly just filled his boots with very small hay stacks.
This is a bit off topic, but it would be really helpful for the iOS games posted to note if they are both iPad and iPhone compatible. Nothing worse than reading about a cool game while I'm supposed to be working, only to get home and realize its iPhone only.
I'm also a recent convert to the RoG laptops. They were one of the first to offer to new i7s, and at a far lower cost than comparable Alienwares. The design might not be for everyone, but I really like it.
You win the gold star for awesomeness.
I'm glad it's more than a cameo. I was worried this was going to be a sequel in the same way Farcry 2 was a sequel.
Not at all, that was the perfect video to go with that song.
Sex != Gender. I believe this is what deuxhero is referring to