The government's investments succeed because they control the market. They have unlimited capital. They are not "no brainers". They are manipulation of the economy and the market.
The government's investments succeed because they control the market. They have unlimited capital. They are not "no brainers". They are manipulation of the economy and the market.
So you think it's smart for the federal government to be a venture capital fund on the side utilizing your tax dollars as investment capital?
Your argument for it being defense related is a huge stretch.
There is plenty of lending going on. The problem is, businesses aren't spending that money because of uncertainty. Do you know what your tax rate will be next year? How about the cost of your health insurance? Do you know what regulations will be in place? Do you know if your competitor is going to get a fat…
Is there waste in military spending? Sure. However, it is a requirement under the constitution for the federal government to provide for the common defense. It is not a requirement for the federal government to be a private equity firm. Also, that high tech factory will sell for pennies on the dollar. Specialized…
It doesn't matter who started the program. Obama should have ended it. The federal government is not a venture capital fund.
Then he should leave office and go into private equity. My tax dollars are NOT to be used as venture capital fund investments. It's ridiculous that the federal government continues to fund private businesses.
Well, do you really think anyone would pay them back if they were? Think about it. Graduate, go into bankruptcy, wait 7 years to buy a decent car and a house, free education. That would increase the default rate dramatically.
The federal government is not a venture capital fund. This needs to stop.
I use it every 6 months, watch what I want, then cancel once I run out of good content. Wait 6 more months, repeat.
As long as it isn't a rebadge of the caliber.
Leslie found a book about child labor in the US and decided to write a snooze post. Woohooo!
Pic looks like the JoAnn fabrics genius bar.
Still a big fan of Martin Logan speakers. We used to go to audio king after school and watch movies in their home theater room. Was awesome.
I'm the opposite, I love it. The car dealership where I bought 2 of my cars from now is a one price dealer with one price trade-in, no haggling. I no longer go there for cars. Takes the fun out of it, and I can get a lower price while haggling. Also love haggling in foreign countries.
I think VW's point is afraid that congress may pass card check, which would potentially increase their costs significantly.
"Taxing them creates an incentive for them to put their money in the economy, right now everything is stagnating at the top." Raising taxes won't do that. Taxes don't impact existing assets as hard. Lowering the capital gains rate would do it, and Obama should have done that day 1, just like Reagan and Clinton.
Haven't used one in a few years.