True story I woke up this morning and saw Stacy Abrams won and for a split second before coffee I thought “ARE YOU FUUUCKING KIDDING ME?!”
True story I woke up this morning and saw Stacy Abrams won and for a split second before coffee I thought “ARE YOU FUUUCKING KIDDING ME?!”
Even the fact that Texas Democrats are voting for someone who reaches out to their potential base instead of playing it safe with Generic White Dude #4 (Andrew White, son of former gov Mark White) shows they are actually competing and not just going through the motions.
And now I love him too. :)
“Marsala asserts that slavery was “in preparation for professional careers after plantation life.”
Waving the flag of traitors who started a war against the USA. The most unAmerican thing you can do.
Look. Listen. You can either have the United States of America flag or the failed Confederate States of America flag, but you can not have both. It just doesn’t stand to reason. Pick one, racists.
Pro-tip: if you wave a confederate flag, you’re dumb as shit.
Single mothers are the root of all evil to the GOP. It’s not like they could pass laws that would help single mothers. That would be proactive. Instead they do everything the can to make life harder for them, and punish them for not being married. And when these women have to work two to three jobs to make ends meet…
The backlash to Santa Fe and Parkland is very telling to me about where this country is at. Every time I think people will learn from mass shootings, they find new, derpy ways of proving me wrong.
Don’t ‘abortion’ and ‘single mothers’ contradict each other? Is one worse than the other? What if a woman has an abortion because she knows she would be on her own? What if she has a door at home? I no longer understand my own rambling, but I guess it still makes more sense than this.
The too many doors thing is obviously it. Did anyone in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory die in a mass shooting?
This was another one of Patrick’s talking points, although it’s unclear how exactly single parenthood leads to gun violence. “We have families that are broken apart, no fathers at home,” he said on CNN; again on ABC, he said “the breakup of families” has been cause of “devalu[ing] life” in the U.S. What he won’t say…
I don’t care. It doesn’t matter what the right wing thinks anymore. Vote. Dismantle right wing power in America. There is no point in trying to understand the right wing or work with the right wing. I know that is “divisive”, but its what we have to do to save the country. Let future generations work on healing the…
I think a cooler blonde tone may have worked. This one is too caramel and warm.
At least, not that blonde! I’m not a fan of the my-hair-matches-my-face look.
I usually love it when Asian women experiment with blond hair, but this photo has me rethinking that position. Also, what is that dress?
The State Department is hemorrhaging experienced diplomats, other posts remain unfilled, yet we have ghost writers for Trump’s stupid fucking Twitter feed because, y’know, priorities.
Naturally. No matter what happens, he will always have fans. Like all the rest of them. Chris Brown, Woody Allen, Trump, etc. Sadly, some people simply do not care about what they’ve done. smh
Nothing Avril Lavigne does will ever be as morbidly fascinating as marrying Chad Kroeger.