
ICE is trump’s Gestapo.

The Baby Whisperer was the rage when I had my first. In that book, she says it may take up to a month! of “shush-patting” your child to sleep before the baby is trained to fall asleep alone and you just need to stick with it.

Atheist so I can only donate thoughts. Hopefully you can pair them up with a non-thinking Christian’s contribution.

Hey now, he can identify a picture of an Camel and draw a cube how dare you say anything other than he has the best, most amazing mental health of anyone ever.

I like that he doesn’t say Thoughts and Prayers but instead says Love and Support, as if the conservative machine realizes that T&P has become a laughingstock, but isn’t prescient (or even scient) enough to understand that Love and Support isn’t even trying to rebrand the same tired idea.

They aren’t even fucking

My kid didn’t sleep through the night until she was over a year old. We finally moved her to her own room after co-sleeping. I swear I wish I would have done it sooner. The best sleep advice I can give is lean into the misery, the more I tried to fight it, the more frustrated I became. The pacifier helped, the rocking

The edge you’re walking is so dull it couldn’t cut hot butter. I like it.

Jesus fucking Christ...

Just when I think they can’t go lower

Hot take... this guy’s kind of an asshole.

They seem completely oblivious to the fact that their policies actually increase the number of abortions. I have told anti-abortion family members that they should want Planned Parenthood to provide birth control services to as many poor women as possible because access to birth control reduces abortions. But they are

Seriously. What the fuck. I know I shouldn’t be surprised that the man has no clue what to say despite the fact that (according to Everytown’s data) there have been MORE THAN 100 SCHOOL SHOOTINGS since he became POTUS.

Early reports not looking good? No shit, fuckface.

Yes God bless all, because there is nothing else no one can do!!!!!!

My blood is boiling. This administration is so cruel to the most neglected and neediest people. The global gag rule is so awful and now being used here. PP is 100% being targeted and punished although they do not use federal money for abortions. They provide access to healthcare so many women desperately need and

You don’t get to call it “the greatest Witch Hunt in American history” when there has been an actual witch hunt in American history.


That is such an insult to Michael Scott.

Representative Mo Brooks suggested that sea levels might be rising because rocks are falling into rivers and oceans. “Every single year that we’re on Earth, you have huge tons of silt deposited by the Mississippi River, by the Amazon River, by the Nile, by every major river system — and for that matter, creek, all