I don’t understand why USC had chaperones who have been reporting this pervert’s suspect behavior for YEARS if they don’t listen to them. It sounds like it’s just a gift to any creep who may be an exhibitionist.
I don’t understand why USC had chaperones who have been reporting this pervert’s suspect behavior for YEARS if they don’t listen to them. It sounds like it’s just a gift to any creep who may be an exhibitionist.
The fact that THAT is his defense should be enough by itself to revoke this asshole’s medical licence because he clearly knows nothing about gynecology.
It also sounds like he doesn’t know as much as he should about female anatomy and orgasms:
I literally covered my mouth with one hand like a bad actress.
So if they want people from the industry on a board of scientists, does that mean every company board must have a few scientists? For balance.
I can’t believe it would take more than a couple days, let alone ‘a couple years’ to find enough corporate stuffed suits to ‘balance’ out the committee’s scientists. You can’t swing a dead, oil-coated otter in Washington without hitting at least a dozen
Scientists state regulated and documented facts and inferences about the world in which we live; US industry leaders are out to make the most profit possible for the owners of their companies.
Even when women outnumber men in school or a profession, men are still disproportionately hold positions of power. I work with ob-gyns, and not surprisingly, women far outnumber men. But men are still frequently in charge of the women’s health program in medical schools or at hospitals.
I’m sure this asshat would be more than happy to mansplain it to you.....
Pekgoz told Refinery29 in an interview on Tuesday that he filed the complaint for “no particular reason.” He continued, “I thought about going after Harvard, but then I felt that Yale has larger affirmative action programs for women.” And the kicker? The Yale Daily News reports that Pekgoz says he once identified as a…
The DOE taking this seriously.
Pekgoz says he once identified as a feminist
I can’t decide what’s more depressing, the complaint itself/Pakgoz in general, or the fact that the DOE is actually taking this seriously.
I love how “Little Women” is one of the best and most famous early instances of an author totally trolling their readers - Alcott was exasperated by all her fans who only cared about shipping Jo and Laurie and all they wanted to know about Jo’s future come the second volume of the book was whether she’d marry Laurie…
Mine was Rent, even though the characters are about the same age as I am now (so they should DEFINITELY KNOW BETTER). In high-school, everyone hates Benny. A couple years later, it’s like “...Do they think they can just not pay their rent? You have to pay rent.” Also, Mark having a crisis and quitting a well-paying…
“Core Costume Drama Constituency”
Had to do a report on this (comparing the book to the ‘94 movie) in high school. My teacher hated me and my bff. It was the end of the year. She decided to have all the kids (every 150 in all her classes combined) draw cards with matching numbers on them. I was the second to last to draw and got bestie as my partner,…