
Man, for real. In my 20s, I used to come here and really LEARN things. It wasn’t perfect, but there was tangible skill and knowledge amongst the staff, guest writers, and commenters (albeit through the Jez lens). They used to have deep dive, long form pieces about real feminist issues all over the world, in all facets

I know an evangelical whose husband and father of her daughters is stuck indefinitely in Central America but still voted for T***p because he’s “pro-life”, and she was OK with the possibility of him being stuck in CA for a long time as long as T***p was president as long as he “saved the fetuses.”  I am not making

“Somebody get this leopard off my face!”

It’s amazing how all these fucking jingoistic gun humping hard asses are such goddamn cowards.

It’s also unclear why anyone would need to know this via Twitter, but I guess when one is a self-important billionaire, these sort of things feel necessary to stand on the internet’s street corner and yell about through a megaphone."

I care deeply about important stuff, and I care shallowly about shallow stuff. Shallow stuff is fun and sometimes we need fun! I agree. Joan can write but clearly hates writing Dirt Bag and makes us hate reading it. Pass the torch to someone like Kelly who writes about the royals!

Google is, like, just so difficult to use. Am I right?

I can tell this article was written by a salty 20 year old. Bill has done some really fantastic things throughout his life. Hes easily given away more money then Steve Jobs ever made in his life, and we all know how much everyone hero warships him. 

Which can be translated to: “But I am white! Why are they departing my undocumented husband?!”

It’s like that Trump supporter whose husband got deported to Mexico under Trump.

I’m at a loss for words here. This is a weird take.

Why was it deemed necessary to conflate Jeffrey Epstein having met Bill Gates as part of this divorce story? That coupled with the fact that you apparently don’t know what the Gates Foundation does amounts to some shitty ‘reporting’, Joan.

That’s because it’s snark for snark’s sake from people who think they’re being witty and clever but really they’re being petty and condescending. When people point this out to them they’ll insist that they were trying to be humorous and make a point while implying that it’s the audience's fault for not getting it or

He thinks he’s the smartest kid in the room because most of the time he is

Seems like he’s mellowed out a lot from his younger 80 hour plus work week days. And you can’t credit the foundation without crediting the man. He has been working full time there since shortly after founding it and stepping away from

It’s also unclear why anyone would need to know this via Twitter, but I guess when one is a self-important billionaire, these sort of things feel necessary to stand on the internet’s street corner and yell about through a megaphone.

The snark here isn’t even funny, it’s just grasping and mean. Dirt Bag used to at least be fun.

Well when this inevitably backfires on the GOP — especially when the elderly in Florida are no longer able to vote by mail — I wonder which state will be the first to overtly make it illegal to vote if you are black.

Oops! Maybe they shouldn’t have listened to Donald Trump? Just a thought.

It’s Texas. I’m guessing they give the newborn a free gun and MAAAYYYBE let Mom have a few days off work if she belongs to the right church.

Too lazy to check, but I wonder where Lubbock sits in terms of per capita education spending on these children they care so much about. How much do they support new parents?